Unable to create the symbolic link after upgrade 15 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 0
Hi Edwin,
After upgrade from JMS1.1.17 to JMS1.2.5, everything seems OK.
Until I open a site and then save it, then I got this error:
* Unable to create the symbolic link [administrator] -> [/var/webhosting/biza/biza_enterprise/administrator].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [components] -> [/var/webhosting/biza/biza_enterprise/components].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [dmdocuments] -> [/var/webhosting/biza/biza_enterprise/dmdocuments].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [geoip] -> [/var/webhosting/biza/biza_enterprise/geoip].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [includes] -> [/var/webhosting/biza/biza_enterprise/includes].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [installation] -> [/var/webhosting/biza/biza_enterprise/installation].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [installation.multisite] -> [/var/webhosting/biza/biza_enterprise/installation.multisite].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [language] -> [/var/webhosting/biza/biza_enterprise/language].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [libraries] -> [/var/webhosting/biza/biza_enterprise/libraries].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [modules] -> [/var/webhosting/biza/biza_enterprise/modules].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [multisites] -> [/var/webhosting/biza/biza_enterprise/multisites].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [phocadownload] -> [/var/webhosting/biza/biza_enterprise/phocadownload].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [plugins] -> [/var/webhosting/biza/biza_enterprise/plugins].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [xmlrpc] -> [/var/webhosting/biza/biza_enterprise/xmlrpc].
Before the upgrade, I had no this error and I did chmod -R 777 to all files.
Any idea what goes wrong?
Re:Unable to create the symbolic link after upgrade 15 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 54
Check also the owner and group of the files and folders.
Maybe the files installed (JMS) has changed of owner and now is not in the same group than the other files and directories.
You can also check that the Symbolic Link are not already present or if they are present, may be they are owned by another user.
As you have identified it, this is effectivelly a permission problem somewhere.
Last Edit: 2009/09/07 16:29 By edwin2win.
Re:Unable to create the symbolic link after upgrade 15 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 0
Error messages still there.
All folders and files' owner are apache.
All permissions are 777.
I started to suspect the positions of all my slave sites are the source of problem.
Path to slave sites: //home/deployments/slave1, slave2 ...
Path to JMS: //home/joomla/jms
Could that topology be the source of problems?
Pls advise.
Re:Unable to create the symbolic link after upgrade 15 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 54
I don't think so.
You just have to check the permission of the //home/deployments
Try to create another fresh slave site to compare the permissions.
Re:Unable to create the symbolic link after upgrade 15 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 0
Hi Edwin,
Failed to create a new slave site. Error message is cannot connect to database.
But I think the real course is JMS cannot the symbolic links.
Looking at the deployment site, JMS can create the deployment folder and the folders "cache", "logs", "templates" & "tmp" then nothing ....I guess JMS stopped at the 1st symbolic link.
The persmissions of folders are "755", the owner is apache, group is apache.
If it is the permission issue, JMS should not be able the create those folders in the deployment directory....
Any ideas?
Re:Unable to create the symbolic link after upgrade 15 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 0
Oh..I missed one file.
JMS also does create the configuration.php file in the deployment folder, permssion: 644
owner: apache group: apache