I just set up a site with com_multisites and the multisites_ssidomains-Plugin.
On our hosting server, PHP-Notices are shown and com_multisites and the plugin produce a couple:
The Plugin shows a PHP-Notice in the Plugin configuration page regarding $addMaster:
To fix:
File: /administrator/components/com_multisites/elements/domains.php, line 146:
Code: |
old: if ( $addMaster) {
new: if ( isset($addMaster) && $addMaster) {
The Plugin didn't seem to work with the 'automatic' setting, so I dug in and could get it working:
File: /plugins/system/multisites_ssidomains/multisites_ssidomains.php
Line 66:
Code: |
old: $results[$domain] = $domain;
new: $results[] = $domain;
Line 365:
Code: |
old: if( $processed_domains[$domain] || $processed_domains['www.'.$domain]){
new: if( isset($processed_domains[$domain]) || isset($processed_domains['www.'.$domain])){
Now the SSI-Plugin works with setting 'automatic'. com_multisites still brings an error on the 'Check for Updates'-Page, but I won't try to fix it for now:
Notice: Undefined property: JAdministrator::$JComponentTitle in /home/httpd/vhosts/DOMAIN/httpdocs/administrator/modules/mod_title/mod_title.php on line 13
Can you add the fixes to future release?
Kind regards
Edit: Our versions:
PHP 5.3.17
Version 1.2.97 (Latest available: 1.2.97)
Patches definition Version 1.2.91 (Latest available: 1.2.91)