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Table/View Error [1146] after installing JMS1.2.87
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TOPIC: Table/View Error [1146] after installing JMS1.2.87
Table/View Error [1146] after installing JMS1.2.87 12 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 0

I've just installed JMS1.2.87 on Joomla! 2.5.4

When i want to update my different websinte in the JMS website manager, i've 3 Table/View Error [1146]

Table/View Error [1146] query [CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW fetish_hikashop_click_view AS SELECT * FROM (`gay2lyonV17_hikashop_user` `a` left join `gay2lyonV17_hikashop_click` `b` on(((`a`.`user_id` = `b`.`click_partner_id`) and ((case when (`a`.`user_currency_id` = 0) then 1 else `a`.`user_currency_id` end) = `b`.`click_partner_currency_id`))))]. DB Error: Table 'gay2q5b_V5der7Od.gay2lyonV17_hikashop_user' doesn't exist SQL=CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW fetish_hikashop_click_view AS SELECT * FROM (`gay2lyonV17_hikashop_user` `a` left join `gay2lyonV17_hikashop_click` `b` on(((`a`.`user_id` = `b`.`click_partner_id`) and ((case when (`a`.`user_currency_id` = 0) then 1 else `a`.`user_currency_id` end) = `b`.`click_partner_currency_id`))))

Table/View Error [1146] query [CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW fetish_hikashop_lead_view AS SELECT * FROM (`gay2lyonV17_hikashop_user` `a` left join `gay2lyonV17_hikashop_user` `b` on(((`a`.`user_id` = `b`.`user_partner_id`) and ((case when (`a`.`user_currency_id` = 0) then 1 else `a`.`user_currency_id` end) = `b`.`user_partner_currency_id`))))]. DB Error: Table 'gay2q5b_V5der7Od.gay2lyonV17_hikashop_user' doesn't exist SQL=CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW fetish_hikashop_lead_view AS SELECT * FROM (`gay2lyonV17_hikashop_user` `a` left join `gay2lyonV17_hikashop_user` `b` on(((`a`.`user_id` = `b`.`user_partner_id`) and ((case when (`a`.`user_currency_id` = 0) then 1 else `a`.`user_currency_id` end) = `b`.`user_partner_currency_id`))))

Table/View Error [1146] query [CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW fetish_hikashop_sale_view AS SELECT * FROM (`gay2lyonV17_hikashop_user` `a` left join `gay2lyonV17_hikashop_order` `b` on(((`a`.`user_id` = `b`.`order_partner_id`) and ((case when (`a`.`user_currency_id` = 0) then 1 else `a`.`user_currency_id` end) = `b`.`order_partner_currency_id`))))]. DB Error: Table 'gay2q5b_V5der7Od.gay2lyonV17_hikashop_user' doesn't exist SQL=CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW fetish_hikashop_sale_view AS SELECT * FROM (`gay2lyonV17_hikashop_user` `a` left join `gay2lyonV17_hikashop_order` `b` on(((`a`.`user_id` = `b`.`order_partner_id`) and ((case when (`a`.`user_currency_id` = 0) then 1 else `a`.`user_currency_id` end) = `b`.`order_partner_currency_id`))))

thanks to help me


My version :
Joomla! 2.5.4
Joomla Multi Sites version: 1.2.87 (Latest available: 1.2.87)
Version de la liste des patches: 1.2.81 (Latest available: 1.2.81)
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Last Edit: 2012/05/02 13:39 By Master01Bruno.
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Re: Table/View Error [1146] after installing JMS1.2.87 12 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 54
The message report that you are trying to create a view based on a table that does not exists.

Here the

Try open and resave the slave site definition. Perhaps that the table was not yet copied or create before creating a vien (a link) on it.
If the error persist, that would mean that the table is not in this DB and verify if the table exists.
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Re: Table/View Error [1146] after installing JMS1.2.87 12 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 0

i dont find the solution to this problem

the DB gay2q5b_V5der7Od.gay2lyonV17_hikashop_user cant exist because

for the master website :
the master website is www.gay2lyon.info
the master database is gay2q5b_uIa8OZa2
the master hikashop table is gay2lyonV17_hikashop_user

and for ths slave website :
the slave website is www.fetishfrance.com
the slave database is gay2q5b_V5der7Od
the slave hikashop table is fetish_hikashop_user

the rigth DB need to be : gay2q5b_V5der7Od.fetish_hikashop_user
and not : gay2q5b_V5der7Od.gay2lyonV17_hikashop_user

i dont understand why the JMS want to go to a database who cant exist

thanks to help me for this probleme

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Re: Table/View Error [1146] after installing JMS1.2.87 12 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 54
I suspect that the website that you are using as template for the replication is itsef sharing the hikashop into the same DB as itself.

So if you replicate this website into another DB, the sharing defined in the "site to replicate" is not prefixed with the db name (as this is the same DB). So when you create the new website into another DB, MySQL does not know that you changed of DBs and expect to use the same DB.

To avoid that, the first website that share the gay2q5b_V5der7Od.fetish_hikashop_user must be located into another DB and not in the same DB. In that case, MySQL keep the DB name prefix that is correctly replicated into any DBs.
Otherwise, MySQL, remove the DB name that may result by the wrong DB name when duplicated.
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Re: Table/View Error [1146] after installing JMS1.2.87 12 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 0
I'm not sure to understand your answer

i've do my websites (master ans slaves webstsites) with Joomla 1.6 and jms_v1.2.49

i've shared all hikashop table to all my website witouth any problem

each website have is own database
each website have a different prefix for all the table

master website is : www.gay2lyon.info
database is : gay2q5b_uIa8OZa2
prefixe is : gay2lyonV17

1st slave website is : fetishfrance.com
database is : gay2q5b_V5der7Od
prefixe is : fetish_

2nd website is : dogklub.com
database is : gay2q5b_klmf01r5
prefixe is : dogklub_

3rd website is : latanieredugriffon.com
database is : gay2q5b_Jhsde45d
prefixe is : taniereV2_

at the beginning all was good an a all the website share the hikashop table

i've do all the udpdate as soon as possible from Joomla 1.6 to Joomla 2.5.4
and jms_v1.2.49 to jms_v1.2.49 jms_v1.2.86

i've never see these error and all the website share hikashop

when i've do the jms_v1.2.87 update, the Table/View Error [1146] appared

many thanks to help me

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Re: Table/View Error [1146] after installing JMS1.2.87 12 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 54
When you update joomla 1.6 to 2.5, ensure that the database structure for all the websites are also updated.

From joomla 1.7 to 2.5, the joomla extension manager / database / fix button allows fixing the DB layout.

In addition, if you have shared the content of some extensions and that they have modified the table structure, they also need to be rebuild. As this is a sharing, this is not a problem to remove the views with PHPMyAdmin and to let JMS rebuild the link with the new layout.

So review the DB table structure that are probably modified and rebuild the sharing to take in account the new DB structure.
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