Comet Chat 13 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0
Hi There,
I have comet chat installed on my site, works great.
I have installed Multi Sites, and after a lot of teething problems, I have finally got it working the way I want, however, when I install the Patches in Multi Sites, my comet chat bar disappears.
Uninstalling the patches brings back the comet chat, but then my slave sites disappear.
Can anyone help with this? I need the slave sites, so the patches need to be left installed, but I need comet chat as well.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Re: Comet Chat 13 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 54
Comet chat can work but as this is not really a joomla extension, it does not follow the joomla standard.
Becarefull with the comet chat prefix that generally is not prefixed with the joomla table prefix.
With comet chat, you need to use one DB per website due to comet chat table prefix.
If comet chat is not working, I suppose that you have an error message.
Please give us more detail on the error message that you have in comet chat and also the version of joomla.
Re: Comet Chat 13 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0
thanks for your reply.
No, there is no error, it just doesn't load (the rest of the site does, but not the cometchat).
Even if I go to the administration panel, which is in a separate directory, it just says 404 not found.
I'm sorry, I don't really understand what you mean about (the following bit)
Comet chat can work but as this is not really a joomla extension, it does not follow the joomla standard.
Becarefull with the comet chat prefix that generally is not prefixed with the joomla table prefix.
With comet chat, you need to use one DB per website due to comet chat table prefix.
I'm using Joomla 1.7.2 and I had this issue when using Joomla 1.6.5 as well
Last Edit: 2011/11/23 10:51 By amit.lodhia.
Re: Comet Chat 13 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 54
At our knowledge, Comet Chat is NOT a joomla component but a bridge to something else that is beside Joomla.
Concerning the 404, I can not tell you more.
If you want that we have a look on your server, this is still possible with our billable support that you can order at
Re: Comet Chat 13 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0
It just seems strange that installing multi sites would stop comet chat from working.
When I un-install the patches, comet chat starts working again.
Thanks for the offer, but I will get my host to look at it, they are quite handy with this sort of stuff.
Might be something to make a note of though.
Re: Comet Chat 12 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 0
Hi Amit,
Did you ever resolve this issue?
I'm also interested to use cometchat with my slave sites.
I think that a problem could be that cometchat directly references the website URL inwhich it is installed. Also your licensing directly references the installed URL, instead of using a relative URL.
I havent tested it myself yet however I think you will probably need to COPY the entire cometchat directory to the new slave site in the JMS template rule and purchase another license to use cometchat on the new URL.
Again I haven't tested this so could you confirm if this is what you found?
Thanks and regards.