I’ve encountered an odd problem with a core Joomla 1.5.23 module (mod_latestnews) and the Multisites Article Sharing plugin that I’m hoping to find a solution to.
Throughout all of my slave sites, I use the mod_latestnews module to display the most recent articles from the local slave site that are associated with a specific section and category. This works fine throughout the slave sites except for pages that use the article sharing feature. On those pages, when you click on the title of an article displayed in the mod_latestnews modules, a 404 error is generated.
From what I can see, the URLs that are generated for the mod_latestnews items on the pages where article sharing is in place are mis-generating, thus inserting the parent menu item level into the URL.
For the record I am using the built-in Joomla SEF capability (it is very important for these sites).
Here are some examples of what I’m talking about:
Here’s the home page of website where mod_latestnews works properly (see under NEWS & EVENTS on right side) and article sharing is not in use.
The following page displays content via the article sharing plugin. Notice how when you click on the items within the mod_latestnews section (see under NEWS & EVENTS on right side) a 404 error is generated.
Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.