Multisite capable of multi Virtuemart stores? 15 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 0
Is Multisites capable of having multiple Virtuemart stores on multiple sites, with each store having it's own configuration?
I don't see how I can have separate stores on separate sites. When I installed the extension for a new addon multisite, the config files for my previous store gets over-written.
As an example, the config file: "administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/shipping/usps.cfg.php" was overwritten. These individual stores each need their own configurations.
My understanding was that I would be able to have separate Virtuemart stores on separate sites, and that this could be handled by Multisites.
Last Edit: 2009/10/14 04:51 By edgibson.
Re:Multisite capable of multi Virtuemart stores? 15 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 54
Once you have installed VirtueMart, you have to check that the JMS patches for VirtueMart are correctly installed.
The ojectives of the JMS patches consist in saving the configuration of each VM into a specific file.
So check that you have the JMS patches.
If yes, go in the VM configuration and then adapt the URL, and all the parameters for your slave site and save the configuration.
This should give you a specific VM configuration for your store.
Concerning the other parameters like the payment method and perhaps your shipping, they are shared between all the websites.
Only the main "virtuemart.cfg" file is specific to each store.
If you want to have a specific config for slave site in the ups shipping, you have to modified the ups.php file to access those specific configuration per multisites id.
Re:Multisite capable of multi Virtuemart stores? 15 Years, 3 Months ago
I have 1 master and 4 linked slaves
"The ojectives of the JMS patches consist in saving the configuration of each VM into a specific file."
I see only 1 VM configuration file
Yet when I want to save the config in a slave I get a permission error
virtuemart.metamedicine_com.cfg.php not exist
And when I create that file, the save breaks because of invalid data in the file, even when it is empty.
Any ideas?
Re:Multisite capable of multi Virtuemart stores? 15 Years, 3 Months ago
SOLVED: Created the file from the original dist file, uploaded it and then it loaded fine