I found the solution, the tables are not created for this extension on slave, so I used the following to create them just replaced jos_ with slave prefix and ran in phpmyadmin.
Code: |
CREATE TABLE jos_phocasef_url
( id int ( 11 ) NOT NULL auto_increment ,
cw int ( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0' ,
cr int ( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0' ,
new_url varchar ( 255 ) NOT NULL default '' ,
old_url varchar ( 255 ) NOT NULL default '' ,
date_url datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ,
published tinyint ( 1 ) NOT NULL default '0' ,
ordering int ( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0' ,
PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ;
CREATE TABLE jos_phocasef_ref (
id int ( 11 ) NOT NULL auto_increment ,
count_url int ( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0' ,
ref_url varchar ( 255 ) NOT NULL default '' ,
ref_to_url varchar ( 255 ) NOT NULL default '' ,
date_url datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ,
published tinyint ( 1 ) NOT NULL default '0' ,
ordering int ( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0' ,