Dear Linda
Concerning K2, JMS 1.2.0 RC5 contain its definition to allow its installation with the JMS Tools.
See forum
and JMS change history
Concerning the installation of the extension in a slave sites, they are limited to the one present in the master website.
JMS don't provide any functionalities concerning the permissions.
Each slave site is manage with its own administration.
If you share the users, this also mean that all the websites that share the user will be able to administrate all those websites.
If you don't share the users, this will means that each website will have its own set of users and therefore its own administration access.
For the moment, wé have just declare the K2 for the installation and not for the sharing.
I will add the sharing definition for the next release.
Concerning Civic CRM please provide the URL where it can be downloaded for free or send us the extension by email to allow us make its reverse enginering and discover the DB tables that must be declared in JMS.