The problem of NoNumber is that they are using a special "temporary" component to perform the installation. Therefore, when you try installing the extension in the slave site, JMS try to find if the extension is present and of course, it is not present as this is a temporary extension that is used to install the real component.
When the extension is defined in the JMS Tool menu, you can try using the JMS Tool menu to perform the installation in the slave site.
There is also an experimental solution that consists in setting a parameter in the JMS configuration file to allow ignoring the verification during the install.
The flag is
You can see multisites.cfg.php file and if you are not sure of the syntax, see the distribution one multisites.cfg-dist.php
located in the /administrator/components/com_multisites
Once the flag is enabled, the verification is ignored.
We suggest that you remove the flag once the upgrade of the NoNumber extension is performed.
Remark: This flag also has for objective to keep the original manifest file of the extension. In other words, when you start upgrading an extension in a slave site before the master, this always restore the "old" manifest (xml) file. So that you can let the extension perform all the DB upgrade modification in all the slave site before the master.