Hi there!
I have a problem with user sync behaviour that I could not solve with groups or acls right now.
The purpose is to have a website network which shares users.
There is one slave which has a forum (kunena).
And there is another slave which has a community and a forum (jomsocial and kunena).
That's easy so far... and I've got in running till this step.
My problem is: the user registration should be for the whole network (= all slave sites) but... the users should not be created/activated to automatically show as new users in jomsocial or kunena at all slaves.
Another approach to explain my problem: when I register as user on SITE-1 (or anywhere else), my network user is created.
With this user it should be possible to login to any slave site of the network.
But until I login to SITE-2 (where the forum or the community is located) I dont want the user to be added as active new member that shows up everywhere.
I hope I could explain the problem withou too much confusion
Any ideas?
Best Regards,