Hello and thank you for the reply.
Before I did anything, we had an existing site (which we were updating and moving into Joomla for ease of Administration).
The server was pointing to the folder:
As I mentioned, I then create a folder and copied the Joomla 2.5 files into it.
This folder is called:
At this moment, my server configuration had two entries:
1. foobar.com ==> /srv/www/foo_site_1
2. test.foobar.com ==> /srv/www/j25_base
When I used IE to view test.foobar.com, I was presented with the initial installation pages to install Joomla. I duly followed the procedure and within moments, test.foobar.com was presenting me with the 'default' Joomla installation (no sample data was installed).
I then installed into this the JMS component and, following the instructions, created a 'slave' site using the configuration I have writtten in my original post.
Everything seemed to go OK, I didn't receive any warnings and so, updated my lighttpd configuration as follows and re-started lighttpd:
1. foobar.com ==> /srv/www/foo_site_1
2. test.foobar.com ==> /srv/www/j25_base/multisites/Foo
I did this because the component told me to:
You can now map your new domain (test.foobar.com) to the directory '/srv/www/lighttpd/j25_base/multisites/Foo'.
I have created a file within this folder called "info.php" which is a simple file, echo's HELLO WORLD to screen ... when I call foobar.com/info.php, HELLO WORLD appears on screen. Removing "info.php" from the address bar, I receive nothing but a blank screen (again, as I have written below, I do actually get some HTML ... my original post shows what).
So I know my site configuration is correct so far but then I went to your website and downloaded the latest PDF documentation for JMS MS.
In there, it says that I should change my site configuration to point NOT to the /multisites/Foo folder, but to my {site_dir}.
I updated my lighttpd configuration again and re-started lighttpd; my new configuration looks like this:
1. foobar.com ==> /srv/www/foo_site_1
2. test.foobar.com ==> /srv/www/j25_base/
When I browse to test.foobar.com, my browser location bar re-directs to
test.foobar.com/installation/index.php but nothing is displayed on screen and if I click on 'view source' even the HTML is empty.
I have gone into the Multi-sites configuration and I see that:-
Master site directory: /srv/www/lighttpd/j25_base
Template Deployed directory:
Deployed directory:
I also notice that the following are also blank:-
Parameters that come from standard Joomla configuration
DB host name:
DB prefix:
DB user:
DB password:
Does this mean that it has not created the 'slave' site correctly?
Based on the information I have provided above, am I pointing to the correct file-system location for the mapping to the slave site (the one I have in my lighttpd configuration file matches the folder that is created by JMS MS when I complete the create slave site 'wizard').
Thank you for reading, please do not hesitate to ask if there is any further information you need to help me get this paid-for-product working!