Hi All,
We have JMS installed and use it to maintain several sites, I've not had any problems until now.
I can't seem to configure JMS to use and pick up Search engine friendly urls.
I've set the radio buttons in the global configuration for the slave site and also copied in and renamed the .htaccess file in the slave sites route directory and uncommented out the "rewrite_base" line but im still getting the error that its not finding the page.
I've checked my ISP allows for "mod_rewrite" and they do.
Could it not be working because the master site also needs setting up to use SEF URL's?
I realise that each slave site will have a unique htaccess file but they are using dynamic linking back to the general joomla route directory, could this be why its not finding the page.
Its looking for the correct path resolutions,... i.e. (/sef-url-test.html)
Its just not finding the page content.
I'm sure the solution is probably simple and I'm just missing something.
Please can someone help?
regards Nick