I have already a master website (
www.maindomain.com) and a few other slave websites (
www.maindomain.eu, www.maindomain.fr, www.maindomain.co.uk, etc...)and am trying to simplify the administration of all these using fms. Following a previous thread posted by slsmithVN I did the following
1. Setup master site
If you're like me, you might already have a master/original site setup. Either way, once you have a master site ready, install JMS Multi site on that site (directions in videos and manual explain this process adequately). For this example, let's say I called my master site "IceCreamSite" w/ domain name "icecreamsite.com". (BTW, this isn't real )
2. Create new template.
a. Enter ID. (In my case I entered "IceCreamSlaveTemplate")
b. Select Template Site = "< Master Site >".
c. Check the box called "Share the whole site".
d. Go to "Folders and Files" tab and make desired selections. (In my case I left everything with the default selections except '.htaccess' and 'robots.txt' - I set both of these to "Copy the folder or file")
e. I left the "Sharing" tab as-is
f. Save.
3. Create the slave site.
a. Enter Site ID. (In my case I entered "IceCreamSlaveSite")
b. Enter your list of domain names. (In my case I entered "
www.icecreamsite2.com" and "icecreamsite2.com")
c. Select the template you created in step #2 above from the Templates dropdown list. (In my case I selected "IceCreamSlaveSiteTemplate")
d. Check the box called "Share the whole site".
*e. Deployed Directory. Now in my case my hosting plan forces me to point all domains to my root directory, so I didn't need to enter a deployed directory. However, if you set up the domain that you are using for your slave site (in my example it was icecreamsite2.com) so that it goes to a subdirectory/folder in your hosting account, then you would need to enter the path to that directory in this Deployed Directory field. (So, in my case, had I been able to point icecreamsite2.com to a subdirectory in my hosting account called "icecreamsite2", then my Deployed Directory might have been something like "/icecreamsitemain/root/icecreamsite2")
f. Save.
After having done all these, my slave website should be the exact mirror of my main/master site.
I am pretty clear for the steps 1 and 2, where I could do exactly as slsmithVN described, but for the step 3, I am not sure about how to follow the 'Deployed Directory' step.
I thus left everything by default so I now have a subdirectory created on my host (
www.maindomain.com/multisites/). The url
www.mainsite.com/multisites/slavesiteID/index.php gives me the exact mirror as my mainsite, but unfortunately, what I do not understand is that if I enter my slave website url in my internet browser, it is still pointing to my slave website server, and not my main site one.
Would anyone have any hint?
Thanks a lot!