In fact, to filter products depending of a website, I was thinking to use the "manufacturer" fields of VM, because each vendor is also running his only one brand.
The vendor is the manufacturer.
If accessing to a subdomain shop directly, I will add the parameter "manufacturer" on url's, so it will list only products from his shop.
Using I may easily create replacing url's rules for each subdomain shops.
So all shops will share categories and products, but they'll be filtered depending on each subdomained shops.
If accessing to the master site, all categories, all products will be allowed.
I guess I need to check what's stored in the session, add manufacturer or vendor if not stored, then...I don't know...
I'm wondering if using (but modified cos I think rules based on manufacturer and/or vendor does not exist) :
May help or just add more mess...
In fact, my question related to JMS would be:
If I manage to redirect to the right shop for each product in shoping cart, allowing only validate the order if the products belongs to his own shop, may I exclude the sharing of orders table ?
That will be "easier" to manage reports. More than that a legal issue: bills must have a "clean" ordering number. (bill number 1 , 2 , 3 ...)
Ideally , the slaves websites would synch their orders to the master website (which will "know" about all orders) but the slaves sites would have only their own orders...
For that I will need to prefix the bills numbers for each slaves like : "vendor1-000001" and not only the number.
Sounds more and more crazy...