Slave site - creation errors 13 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 0
I am attempting to create my first slave based on a master Joomla 1.5.23 site. Upon saving the slave I receive the following list of errors:
===== BEGIN =====
JFTP::mkdir: Bad response
JFTP::chmod: Bad response
JFTP::mkdir: Bad response
JFTP::chmod: Bad response
JFTP::write: Bad response
JFTP::mkdir: Bad response
JFTP::chmod: Bad response
JFTP::mkdir: Bad response
JFTP::chmod: Bad response
JFTP::write: Bad response
JFTP::mkdir: Bad response
JFTP::chmod: Bad response
JFTP::mkdir: Bad response
JFTP::chmod: Bad response
JFTP::write: Bad response
JFTP::write: Bad response
Error writing configuration file [/home/xxxxx/sites/site000/public_html/configuration.php]
====== END ======
1. Symlinks are allowed on my cPanel server
2. The master site uses Joomla FTP Layer with the root FTP account
3. The target folder already exists and belongs to the FTP user (not Apache)
4. I have tried setting the target folder to 777
5. I am using a template to create the first slave (see attached image)
Master site location:
Slave site location (well- not yet):
Not sure what to try next...?
EDIT: hmmm, looks like my 75k JPG is not attaching to this post
Last Edit: 2011/06/21 02:47 By Gremlin.
Re: Slave site - creation errors 13 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 54
The error message JFTP ... confirm that your master website is configured with Joomla FTP layer.
In this case, when you deploy a website, all the physical files and directories are created using the Joomla FTP layer.
So you have to also define in the JMS slave site definition the FTP Root path that correspond to the slave site.
If you do not setup the FTP parameter, this is the "master" FTP parameter that is used and therefore you are trying to create directories and files into this root directory that correspond to your master. As the directories alreay exists, you can have errors.
If the Joomla FTP layer is not required, you can disable it in the master.
If it is required (that I suppose), you have to also setup the slave site FTP layer parameters in JMS to overwrite the master one when creating the slave site.
Re: Slave site - creation errors 13 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 0
Greetings Edwin,
After reading "between the lines" of your reply - I disabled the FTP layer and everything is working! I moved to a new server last week and most of my problems have been solved - but I was still thinking in terms of the old server and not the new one.