My master website I am wanting to copy is set up like so:
and I've created 2 slaves subdomains that I want to copy to which are automatically separated in to folders like so:
I've installed Multi Sites on my master Joomla 1.5.x installation with no problems apart from increasing the PHP execution time.
Creating the template is no worries and I include the FTP details in the template for ease of copying:
I go to create my new site
and when I hit save, I get a whole bunch of JFTP errors:
The symbolic links are created, however they are under the
httpd/httpd user/group instead of my FTP
{user}/{group} which I have set up in the FTP section of the template.
I know the FTP settings are correct because when I test in my FTP client (from the above screenshot) they work no worries. Has anyone else had issues with the FTP not working and/or able to assist?