** Please extend the session time, I just spent a LOT of time preparing my message only to hit send and be signed out already and lost my post! **
So I am trying to duplicate what I did before with my other client I setup. However, I dont know how I did it. I can't seem to duplicate the results.
I have made some screenshots. Cordmaster is the client that I have that is working. I have a new client 'tate' that I am trying to setup the same way but with a new template, etc.
I would also like to have the file structure tweaked to be better and have all the site folders contained in a client folder on the server: Something like
multisites/client-A/{all site folders}
multisites/client-B/{all site folders}, etc. would be best.
Notice how much information there is for 'cordmaster'. I don't know what template I used to create this site. How can I find out? Notice it's also not a slave to :master_db:
Notice how I got it to NOT be a slave of :master_db: but it does not have any information. How did I do that? I am confused.
Here is my file structure: