copy content from master to slave and then separat 13 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 0
I am working on a site, location I installed the multisite tool and directed the slave to
Changes I make in the Admin site/joomlapa/administrator also populate the master site.
What i would like to accomplish is that I can finish the master, copy to the slave and then separate the two, so that I can make changes in the slave without changing the master.
I use symbolic links now, should i change to copy:? would that do the trick?
Re: copy content from master to slave and then separat 13 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 54
Normally, the master and slave site should not be the same.
Ensure that you have different "site name" to verify that you are connected on the correct websites.
When a URL is not present in the list of slave site then this display the master.
I suspect that you don't reach the slave but access the master.
If you put different site name, you can verify it.
When using different domain, this is sometimes due to the fact that you forget to enter domain with "WWW" and without "WWW".
So check the slave site definition and the "domain name".
Perhaps you could start to apply the "video 9" procedure that check your environment and settings.
This create a website in a subdirectory.
Last Edit: 2011/03/16 14:03 By edwin2win.
Re: copy content from master to slave and then separat 13 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 0
will go through video 9 and revert, thanks for your help so far.