We are running multisites on a joomla 1.5.22 and recently we had some issues and we had to do a complete restore. Before the restore everything on the slave sites was working fine. And by everything i mean shared users from the main db, shared kunena forum (users, sessions, posts, everything). Now after the restore the users are still shared, kunena content is still shared but u don't get to be kept loged on the slave sites as it worked before. I've checked in multisites tools and everuthing seems to be in good order. I have the shared sign next to com_kunena the kunena_sessions table has the shared sign also so it should be working fine. If u create a post on main and go to the slave site it's there, the only thing you have to log in, and this is an issue because it's part of the main reasons we bought jms in the first place, to fix the single sign on issue. Thank you for your support.