Sharing components, but different models... 14 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0
My boss bought this component and ask me to deploy multisites.
The slave sites could get the same components, and it will cover 70% of our needs.
The 30% slaves sites left could use the same components, but they might be customised, with different models (from the components, not models of slaves sites), or new options into the code.
I've read that a component into a slave site using a customised db, could get the right configuration by unpublish/republish the sharing of the component.
But what about the core files of the components ? I havn't seen any option to duplicate the core components files to allow that kind of things...
I've thought about an alternative way : changing all db prefix and folder names of a duplicated component to allow the installation of the same component more than once...
But I thing it's gonna be a nightmare for natives components duplicated then...(related to com_content for example...)
So my question is : do you plan to add an option, maybe based on symbolic links, more flexible to allow a proper directory for components installed on a slave site (included into master website of course...)
Hope my demand is clear, please tell me if it's not !
Best regards !
Fresh Boarder
Posts: 12
Re: Sharing components, but different models... 14 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 54
The installation of extensions (component, modules, plugin) consists in PHP code and definition in the DB to declare the extension.
So if you create a slave site that does not install the extension then you don’t need to mark the extension as “disabled”.
You can easily create a website that can be used to create the other website and that only contain the extension required for your slave sites.
Configure the “template” website with the extension that you want to see in the target slave site. After that you can easily replicate it to create multiple websites based on the same template site.
I hope this will help you
Re: Sharing components, but different models... 14 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0
Thanks for your fast answer !
I've tested further the component, and it seems to be perfectly done !
Thanks again for your support !
Best regards
Fresh Boarder
Posts: 12