Permissions problem with Slave #30. 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 0
Hi Edwin,
I have 29 Slave sites created without any problem in my Multisites component. When a create a new slave site (it would be the num. 30) I always get a joomla Error that says: -1 - Unable to create target folder.
The new slave is not succesfuly created and automatically my ftp stops working from the backend for uploading components, images, etc. I am totally sure my ftp information is correct and before creating the site num. 30 it work perfectly for uploading images, components, etc.
Is there some kind of limit somewhere I should modify or something like that? thankyou.
Re: Permissions problem with Slave #30. 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 54
There is no limitation in JMS Multisites that would limit your FTP or something like that.
Based on your description, I suppose that you are using the joomla FTP Layer to create the slave site.
If this is the case, cross-check the parameters and particularly the path you are using to create the slave site.
The deploy directory must user the same root as the master website.
If you want to deploy the slave site into a directory beside the master root directory then you have to work with relative path starting from the master path.
ie: master = /home/account/masterdir
ie. slave1 expect = /home/account/slave1
then enter in the slave deploy dir = /home/account/masterdir/../slave1
Re: Permissions problem with Slave #30. 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 0
thankyou Edwin, the path correction in the ftp layer solved the problem. Have a nice day.
Re: Permissions problem with Slave #30. 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 0
Edwin what dose this error mean? It appears now when I am trying to create a new slave site from the front end with established template that had been working in the past: -1 - Copy failed. It says -1 - Copy failed instead of deployed succesfuly.
Re: Permissions problem with Slave #30. 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 0
Edwin what is the differece between the copy and the special copy of the folders when creating a template for front end slaves creation.
Re: Permissions problem with Slave #30. 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 54
Copy mean a physical copy.
Special copy means that this depends on the context and the platform.
When working on Windows platform or any other linux plaform where the Symbolic Link is not allowed, this action mean a copy.
When the Symbolic Link is allowed then this is converted in Symbolic Link.
In case of the template, the Special Copy can be combined with the Deploy template directory as explained in tutorial video 0.b slide 34. This may create a physical directory with subdirectory that are symbolic links.
So the Special Copy depends on the context.