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TOPIC: Error Creating Slave Site
Error Creating Slave Site 14 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 1
Hi edwin,

when I create an slave site I get the error below, I am using the latest version of JMS product. please help me what should this error main and what should I do in regards to this problem.?
or this is "command denied" error?

Install component 'root' menu error query [REPLACE INTO #__components VALUES( 0, 'Banners', '', 0, 0, '', 'Banner Management', 'com_banners', 0, 'js/ThemeOffice/component.png', 0, 'track_impressions=0\ntrack_clicks=0\ntag_prefix=\n\n', 1 )]. DB Error: INSERT,DELETE command denied to user 'SITE_USER'@'localhost' for table 'comcomponents' SQL=REPLACE INTO lienden.comcomponents VALUES( 0, 'Banners', '', 0, 0, '', 'Banner Management', 'com_banners', 0, 'js/ThemeOffice/component.png', 0, 'track_impressions=0\ntrack_clicks=0\ntag_prefix=\n\n', 1 )
Install component 'root' menu error query [REPLACE INTO #__components VALUES( 0, 'Cache Manager', '', 0, 0, '', 'Cache', 'com_cache', 0, '', 1, '', 1 )]. DB Error: INSERT,DELETE command denied to user 'SITE_USER'@'localhost' for table 'comcomponents' SQL=REPLACE INTO lienden.comcomponents VALUES( 0, 'Cache Manager', '', 0, 0, '', 'Cache', 'com_cache', 0, '', 1, '', 1 )
Install component 'root' menu error query [REPLACE INTO #__components VALUES( 0, 'Configuration Manager', '', 0, 0, '', 'Configuration', 'com_config', 0, '', 1, '', 1 )]. DB Error: INSERT,DELETE command denied to user 'SITE_USER'@'localhost' for table 'comcomponents' SQL=REPLACE INTO lienden.comcomponents VALUES( 0, 'Configuration Manager', '', 0, 0, '', 'Configuration', 'com_config', 0, '', 1, '', 1 )
Install component 'root' menu error query [REPLACE INTO #__components VALUES( 0, 'Contacts', 'option=com_contact', 0, 0, '', 'Edit contact details', 'com_contact', 0, 'js/ThemeOffice/component.png', 1, 'contact_icons=0\nicon_address=\nicon_email=\nicon_telephone=\nicon_fax=\nicon_misc=\nshow_headings=1\nshow_position=1\nshow_email=0\nshow_telephone=1\nshow_mobile=1\nshow_fax=1\nbannedEmail=\nbannedSubject=\nbannedText=\nsession=1\ncustomReply=0\n\ n', 1 )]. DB Error: INSERT,DELETE command denied to user 'SITE_USER'@'localhost' for table 'comcomponents' SQL=REPLACE INTO lienden.comcomponents VALUES( 0, 'Contacts', 'option=com_contact', 0, 0, '', 'Edit contact details', 'com_contact', 0, 'js/ThemeOffice/component.png', 1, 'contact_icons=0\nicon_address=\nicon_email=\nicon_telephone=\nicon_fax=\nicon_misc=\nshow_headings=1\nshow_position=1\nshow_email=0\nshow_telephone=1\nshow_mobile=1\nshow_fax=1\nbannedEmail=\nbannedSubject=\nbannedText=\nsession=1\ncustomReply=0\n\ n', 1 )
Install component 'root' menu error query [REPLACE INTO #__components VALUES( 0, 'Articles', 'option=com_content', 0, 0, '', '', 'com_content', 0, '', 1, 'show_noauth=0\nshow_title=1\nlink_titles=0\nshow_intro=1\nshow_section=0\nlink_section=0\nshow_category=0\nlink_category=0\nshow_author=1\nshow_create_date=1\nshow_modify_date=1\nshow_item_navigation=0\nshow_readmore=1\nshow_vote=0\nshow_icons=1\ nshow_pdf_icon=1\nshow_print_icon=1\nshow_email_icon=1\nshow_hits=1\nfeed_summary=0\n\n', 1 )]. DB Error: INSERT,DELETE command denied to user 'SITE_USER'@'localhost' for table 'comcomponents' SQL=REPLACE INTO lienden.comcomponents VALUES( 0, 'Articles', 'option=com_content', 0, 0, '', '', 'com_content', 0, '', 1, 'show_noauth=0\nshow_title=1\nlink_titles=0\nshow_intro=1\nshow_section=0\nlink_section=0\nshow_category=0\nlink_category=0\nshow_author=1\nshow_create_date=1\nshow_modify_date=1\nshow_item_navigation=0\nshow_readmore=1\nshow_vote=0\nshow_icons=1\ nshow_pdf_icon=1\nshow_print_icon=1\nshow_email_icon=1\nshow_hits=1\nfeed_summary=0\n\n', 1 )
Install component 'root' menu error query [REPLACE INTO #__components VALUES( 0, 'Control Panel', '', 0, 0, '', 'Control Panel', 'com_cpanel', 0, '', 1, '', 1 )]. DB Error: INSERT,DELETE command denied to user 'SITE_USER'@'localhost' for table 'comcomponents' SQL=REPLACE INTO lienden.comcomponents VALUES( 0, 'Control Panel', '', 0, 0, '', 'Control Panel', 'com_cpanel', 0, '', 1, '', 1 )
Install component 'root' menu error query [REPLACE INTO #__components VALUES( 0, 'Installation Manager', '', 0, 0, '', 'Installer', 'com_installer', 0, '', 1, '', 1 )]. DB Error: INSERT,DELETE command denied to user 'SITE_USER'@'localhost' for table 'comcomponents' SQL=REPLACE INTO lienden.comcomponents VALUES( 0, 'Installation Manager', '', 0, 0, '', 'Installer', 'com_installer', 0, '', 1, '', 1 )
Install component 'root' menu error query [REPLACE INTO #__components VALUES( 0, 'K2', 'option=com_k2', 0, 0, 'option=com_k2', 'K2', 'com_k2', 0, 'components/com_k2/images/system/k2-icon.png', 0, 'enable_css=1\nimagesQuality=100\nitemImageXS=100\nitemImageS=200\nitemImageM=400\nitemImageL=600\nitemImageXL=900\nitemImageGeneric=300\ncatImageWidth=100\ncatImageDefault=1\nuserImageWidth=100\nuserImageDefault=1\ncommenterImgWidth=48\nuserName=1\ nuserImage=1\nuserDescription=1\nuserURL=1\nuserFeed=1\nuserItemCount=10\nuserItemTitle=1\nuserItemTitleLinked=1\nuserItemDateCreated=1\nuserItemImage=1\nuserItemIntroText=1\nuserItemCategory=1\nuserItemTags=1\nuserItemCommentsAnchor=1\ nuserItemReadMore=1\nuserItemK2Plugins=1\ngenericItemCount=10\ngenericItemTitle=1\ngenericItemTitleLinked=1\ngenericItemDateCreated=1\ngenericItemImage=1\ngenericItemIntroText=1\ngenericItemCategory=1\ngenericItemReadMore=1\ncomments=1\ ncommentsOrdering=DESC\ncommentsLimit=10\ncommentsFormPosition=below\ncommentsPublishing=1\ngravatar=1\nrecaptcha_theme=clean\ncommentsFormNotes=1\ncommentsFormNotesText=Make sure you enter the (*) required information where indicated.
Basic HTML code is allowed.\ntinyURL=1\nfeedLimit=10\nfeedItemImage=1\nfeedImgSize=S\nfeedItemIntroText=1\nfeedItemFullText=1\nlinkPopupWidth=900\nlinkPopupHeight=600\nfrontendEditing=1\nshowImageTab=1\nshowImageGalleryTab=1\nshowVideoTab=1\nshowExtraFieldsTab=1\ nshowAttachmentsTab=1\nshowK2Plugins=1\nmergeEditors=1\nsideBarDisplay=1\ntaggingSystem=1\ngoogleSearchContainer=k2Container\nK2UserProfile=1\nadminSearch=simple\nshowItemsCounterAdmin=1\nshowChildCatItems=1\nSEFReplacements=Š|S, Œ|O, Ž|Z, š|s, œ|oe, ž|z, Ÿ|Y, ¥|Y, µ|u, À|A, �|A, Â|A, Ã|A, Ä|A, Å|A, Æ|A, Ç|C, È|E, É|E, Ê|E, Ë|E, Ì|I, �|I, Î|I, �|I, �|D, Ñ|N, Ò|O, Ó|O, Ô|O, Õ|O, Ö|O, Ø|O, Ù|U, Ú|U, Û|U, Ü|U, �|Y, ß|s, à |a, á|a, â|a, ã|a, ä|a, å|a, æ|a, ç|c, è|e, é|e, ê|e, ë|e, ì|i, à |i, î|i, ï|i, ð|o, ñ|n, ò|o, ó|o, ô|o, õ|o, ö|o, ø|o, ù|u, ú|u, û|u, ü|u, ý|y, ÿ|y, ß|ss\nmetaDescLimit=150\nsh404SefLabelUser=blog\n', 1 )]. DB Error: INSERT,DELETE command denied to user 'SITE_USER'@'localhost' for table 'comcomponents' SQL=REPLACE INTO lienden.comcomponents VALUES( 0, 'K2', 'option=com_k2', 0, 0, 'option=com_k2', 'K2', 'com_k2', 0, 'components/com_k2/images/system/k2-icon.png', 0, 'enable_css=1\nimagesQuality=100\nitemImageXS=100\nitemImageS=200\nitemImageM=400\nitemImageL=600\nitemImageXL=900\nitemImageGeneric=300\ncatImageWidth=100\ncatImageDefault=1\nuserImageWidth=100\nuserImageDefault=1\ncommenterImgWidth=48\nuserName=1\ nuserImage=1\nuserDescription=1\nuserURL=1\nuserFeed=1\nuserItemCount=10\nuserItemTitle=1\nuserItemTitleLinked=1\nuserItemDateCreated=1\nuserItemImage=1\nuserItemIntroText=1\nuserItemCategory=1\nuserItemTags=1\nuserItemCommentsAnchor=1\ nuserItemReadMore=1\nuserItemK2Plugins=1\ngenericItemCount=10\ngenericItemTitle=1\ngenericItemTitleLinked=1\ngenericItemDateCreated=1\ngenericItemImage=1\ngenericItemIntroText=1\ngenericItemCategory=1\ngenericItemReadMore=1\ncomments=1\ ncommentsOrdering=DESC\ncommentsLimit=10\ncommentsFormPosition=below\ncommentsPublishing=1\ngravatar=1\nrecaptcha_theme=clean\ncommentsFormNotes=1\ncommentsFormNotesText=Make sure you enter the (*) required information where indicated.
Basic HTML code is allowed.\ntinyURL=1\nfeedLimit=10\nfeedItemImage=1\nfeedImgSize=S\nfeedItemIntroText=1\nfeedItemFullText=1\nlinkPopupWidth=900\nlinkPopupHeight=600\nfrontendEditing=1\nshowImageTab=1\nshowImageGalleryTab=1\nshowVideoTab=1\nshowExtraFieldsTab=1\ nshowAttachmentsTab=1\nshowK2Plugins=1\nmergeEditors=1\nsideBarDisplay=1\ntaggingSystem=1\ngoogleSearchContainer=k2Container\nK2UserProfile=1\nadminSearch=simple\nshowItemsCounterAdmin=1\nshowChildCatItems=1\nSEFReplacements=Š|S, Œ|O, Ž|Z, š|s, œ|oe, ž|z, Ÿ|Y, ¥|Y, µ|u, À|A, �|A, Â|A, Ã|A, Ä|A, Å|A, Æ|A, Ç|C, È|E, É|E, Ê|E, Ë|E, Ì|I, �|I, Î|I, �|I, �|D, Ñ|N, Ò|O, Ó|O, Ô|O, Õ|O, Ö|O, Ø|O, Ù|U, Ú|U, Û|U, Ü|U, �|Y, ß|s, à |a, á|a, â|a, ã|a, ä|a, å|a, æ|a, ç|c, è|e, é|e, ê|e, ë|e, ì|i, à |i, î|i, ï|i, ð|o, ñ|n, ò|o, ó|o, ô|o, õ|o, ö|o, ø|o, ù|u, ú|u, û|u, ü|u, ý|y, ÿ|y, ß|ss\nmetaDescLimit=150\nsh404SefLabelUser=blog\n', 1 )
Install component 'root' menu error query [REPLACE INTO #__components VALUES( 0, 'Language Manager', '', 0, 0, '', 'Languages', 'com_languages', 0, '', 1, '', 1 )]. DB Error: INSERT,DELETE command denied to user 'SITE_USER'@'localhost' for table 'comcomponents' SQL=REPLACE INTO lienden.comcomponents VALUES( 0, 'Language Manager', '', 0, 0, '', 'Languages', 'com_languages', 0, '', 1, '', 1 )
Install component 'root' menu error query [REPLACE INTO #__components VALUES( 0, 'Mail To', '', 0, 0, '', '', 'com_mailto', 0, '', 1, '', 1 )]. DB Error: INSERT,DELETE command denied to user 'SITE_USER'@'localhost' for table 'comcomponents' SQL=REPLACE INTO lienden.comcomponents VALUES( 0, 'Mail To', '', 0, 0, '', '', 'com_mailto', 0, '', 1, '', 1 )
Install component 'root' menu error query [REPLACE INTO #__components VALUES( 0, 'Mass mail', '', 0, 0, '', 'Mass Mail', 'com_massmail', 0, '', 1, 'mailSubjectPrefix=\nmailBodySuffix=\n\n', 1 )]. DB Error: INSERT,DELETE command denied to user 'nlstart_nlstart'@'localhost' for table 'comcomponents' SQL=REPLACE INTO lienden.comcomponents VALUES( 0, 'Mass mail', '', 0, 0, '', 'Mass Mail', 'com_massmail', 0, '', 1, 'mailSubjectPrefix=\nmailBodySuffix=\n\n', 1 )
Install component 'root' menu error query [REPLACE INTO #__components VALUES( 0, 'Media Manager', '', 0, 0, 'option=com_media', 'Media Manager', 'com_media', 0, '', 1, 'upload_extensions=bmp,csv,doc,epg,gif,ico,jpg,odg,odp,ods,odt,pdf,png,ppt,swf,txt,xcf,xls,BMP,CSV,DOC,EPG,GIF,ICO,JPG,ODG,ODP,ODS,ODT,PDF,PNG,PPT,SWF,TXT,XCF,XLS\nupload_maxsize=10000000\nfile_path=images\nimage_path=images/stories\ nrestrict_uploads=1\nallowed_media_usergroup=3\ncheck_mime=1\nimage_extensions=bmp,gif,jpg,png\nignore_extensions=\nupload_mime=image/jpeg,image/gif,image/png,image/bmp,application/x-shockwave-flash,application/msword,application/excel,application/ pdf,application/powerpoint,text/plain,application/x-zip\nupload_mime_illegal=text/html\nenable_flash=0\n\n', 1 )]. DB Error: INSERT,DELETE command denied to user 'SITE_USER'@'localhost' for table 'comcomponents' SQL=REPLACE INTO lienden.comcomponents VALUES( 0, 'Media Manager', '', 0, 0, 'option=com_media', 'Media Manager', 'com_media', 0, '', 1, 'upload_extensions=bmp,csv,doc,epg,gif,ico,jpg,odg,odp,ods,odt,pdf,png,ppt,swf,txt,xcf,xls,BMP,CSV,DOC,EPG,GIF,ICO,JPG,ODG,ODP,ODS,ODT,PDF,PNG,PPT,SWF,TXT,XCF,XLS\nupload_maxsize=10000000\nfile_path=images\nimage_path=images/stories\ nrestrict_uploads=1\nallowed_media_usergroup=3\ncheck_mime=1\nimage_extensions=bmp,gif,jpg,png\nignore_extensions=\nupload_mime=image/jpeg,image/gif,image/png,image/bmp,application/x-shockwave-flash,application/msword,application/excel,application/ pdf,application/powerpoint,text/plain,application/x-zip\nupload_mime_illegal=text/html\nenable_flash=0\n\n', 1 )
Install component 'root' menu error query [REPLACE INTO #__components VALUES( 0, 'Menu Editor', '', 0, 0, '', 'Menu Editor', 'com_menus', 0, '', 1, '', 1 )]. DB Error: INSERT,DELETE command denied to user 'SITE_USER'@'localhost' for table 'comcomponents' SQL=REPLACE INTO lienden.comcomponents VALUES( 0, 'Menu Editor', '', 0, 0, '', 'Menu Editor', 'com_menus', 0, '', 1, '', 1 )
Install component 'root' menu error query [REPLACE INTO #__components VALUES( 0, 'Messaging', '', 0, 0, '', 'Messages', 'com_messages', 0, '', 1, '', 1 )]. DB Error: INSERT,DELETE command denied to user 'SITE_S'@'localhost' for table 'comcomponents' SQL=REPLACE INTO lienden.comcomponents VALUES( 0, 'Messaging', '', 0, 0, '', 'Messages', 'com_messages', 0, '', 1, '', 1 )
Install component 'root' menu error query [REPLACE INTO #__components VALUES( 0, 'Modules Manager', '', 0, 0, '', 'Modules', 'com_modules', 0, '', 1, '', 1 )]. DB Error: INSERT,DELETE command denied to user 'SITE_USER'@'localhost' for table 'comcomponents' SQL=REPLACE INTO lienden.comcomponents VALUES( 0, 'Modules Manager', '', 0, 0, '', 'Modules', 'com_modules', 0, '', 1, '', 1 )
Install component 'root' menu error query [REPLACE INTO #__components VALUES( 0, 'Multi Sites', 'option=com_multisites', 0, 0, 'option=com_multisites', 'Multi Sites', 'com_multisites', 0, 'components/com_multisites/images/multisites_icon.gif', 0, '', 1 )]. DB Error: INSERT,DELETE command denied to user 'nlstart_nlstart'@'localhost' for table 'comcomponents' SQL=REPLACE INTO lienden.comcomponents VALUES( 0, 'Multi Sites', 'option=com_multisites', 0, 0, 'option=com_multisites', 'Multi Sites', 'com_multisites', 0, 'components/com_multisites/images/multisites_icon.gif', 0, '', 1 )
Install component 'root' menu error query [REPLACE INTO #__components VALUES( 0, 'Multi Sites Articles sharing', 'option=com_multisitescontent', 0, 0, 'option=com_multisitescontent', 'Multi Sites Articles sharing', 'com_multisitescontent', 0, 'components/com_multisitescontent/images/multisitescontent_icon.gif', 0, '', 1 )]. DB Error: INSERT,DELETE command denied to user 'SITE_USER'@'localhost' for table 'comcomponents' SQL=REPLACE INTO lienden.comcomponents VALUES( 0, 'Multi Sites Articles sharing', 'option=com_multisitescontent', 0, 0, 'option=com_multisitescontent', 'Multi Sites Articles sharing', 'com_multisitescontent', 0, 'components/com_multisitescontent/images/multisitescontent_icon.gif', 0, '', 1 )
Install component 'root' menu error query [REPLACE INTO #__components VALUES( 0, 'My RSS Reader', 'option=com_myrssreader', 0, 0, 'option=com_myrssreader', 'My RSS Reader', 'com_myrssreader', 0, 'js/ThemeOffice/component.png', 0, 'max_feeds_per_rss=10\nmax_error_retry=3\nrss_automatic_check=1\nrss_check_type=0\nrss_check_time=6\ndistributed_check_delay=10\nmax_rss_distributed_check=4\ndirect_check_link=1\ndirect_check_link_security_code=gFb3akyakHZ\ ndirect_check_link_time_limit=60\nmax_feeds_per_page=10\nfeeds_list_order=1\nfeed_title_size=20\nshow_rss_feed_source=1\nshow_rss_feed_date=1\nshow_rss_feed_body=1\nshow_pages_links=0\nlabel_checking_for_new_post=\nlabel_checking_finished=\ nlabel_source=\nlabel_page_require_javascript=\n\n', 1 )]. DB Error: INSERT,DELETE command denied to user 'SITE_USER'@'localhost' for table 'comcomponents' SQL=REPLACE INTO lienden.comcomponents VALUES( 0, 'My RSS Reader', 'option=com_myrssreader', 0, 0, 'option=com_myrssreader', 'My RSS Reader', 'com_myrssreader', 0, 'js/ThemeOffice/component.png', 0, 'max_feeds_per_rss=10\nmax_error_retry=3\nrss_automatic_check=1\nrss_check_type=0\nrss_check_time=6\ndistributed_check_delay=10\nmax_rss_distributed_check=4\ndirect_check_link=1\ndirect_check_link_security_code=gFb3akyakHZ\ ndirect_check_link_time_limit=60\nmax_feeds_per_page=10\nfeeds_list_order=1\nfeed_title_size=20\nshow_rss_feed_source=1\nshow_rss_feed_date=1\nshow_rss_feed_body=1\nshow_pages_links=0\nlabel_checking_for_new_post=\nlabel_checking_finished=\ nlabel_source=\nlabel_page_require_javascript=\n\n', 1 )
Install component 'root' menu error query [REPLACE INTO #__components VALUES( 0, 'News Feeds', 'option=com_newsfeeds', 0, 0, '', 'News Feeds Management', 'com_newsfeeds', 0, 'js/ThemeOffice/component.png', 0, '', 1 )]. DB Error: INSERT,DELETE command denied to user 'SITE_USER'@'localhost' for table 'comcomponents' SQL=REPLACE INTO lienden.comcomponents VALUES( 0, 'News Feeds', 'option=com_newsfeeds', 0, 0, '', 'News Feeds Management', 'com_newsfeeds', 0, 'js/ThemeOffice/component.png', 0, '', 1 )
Install component 'root' menu error query [REPLACE INTO #__components VALUES( 0, 'Plugin Manager', '', 0, 0, '', 'Plugins', 'com_plugins', 0, '', 1, '', 1 )]. DB Error: INSERT,DELETE command denied to user 'SITE_USER'@'localhost' for table 'comcomponents' SQL=REPLACE INTO lienden.comcomponents VALUES( 0, 'Plugin Manager', '', 0, 0, '', 'Plugins', 'com_plugins', 0, '', 1, '', 1 )
Install component 'root' menu error query [REPLACE INTO #__components VALUES( 0, 'Polls', 'option=com_poll', 0, 0, 'option=com_poll', 'Manage Polls', 'com_poll', 0, 'js/ThemeOffice/component.png', 0, '', 1 )]. DB Error: INSERT,DELETE command denied to user 'SITE_USER'@'localhost' for table 'comcomponents' SQL=REPLACE INTO lienden.comcomponents VALUES( 0, 'Polls', 'option=com_poll', 0, 0, 'option=com_poll', 'Manage Polls', 'com_poll', 0, 'js/ThemeOffice/component.png', 0, '', 1 )
Install component 'root' menu error query [REPLACE INTO #__components VALUES( 0, 'Search', 'option=com_search', 0, 0, 'option=com_search', 'Search Statistics', 'com_search', 0, 'js/ThemeOffice/component.png', 1, 'enabled=0\n\n', 1 )]. DB Error: INSERT,DELETE command denied to user 'SITE_USER'@'localhost' for table 'comcomponents' SQL=REPLACE INTO lienden.comcomponents VALUES( 0, 'Search', 'option=com_search', 0, 0, 'option=com_search', 'Search Statistics', 'com_search', 0, 'js/ThemeOffice/component.png', 1, 'enabled=0\n\n', 1 )
Install component 'root' menu error query [REPLACE INTO #__components VALUES( 0, 'Template Manager', '', 0, 0, '', 'Templates', 'com_templates', 0, '', 1, '', 1 )]. DB Error: INSERT,DELETE command denied to user 'SITE_USER'@'localhost' for table 'comcomponents' SQL=REPLACE INTO lienden.comcomponents VALUES( 0, 'Template Manager', '', 0, 0, '', 'Templates', 'com_templates', 0, '', 1, '', 1 )
Install component 'root' menu error query [REPLACE INTO #__components VALUES( 0, 'User', 'option=com_user', 0, 0, '', '', 'com_user', 0, '', 1, '', 1 )]. DB Error: INSERT,DELETE command denied to user 'SITE_USER'@'localhost' for table 'comcomponents' SQL=REPLACE INTO lienden.comcomponents VALUES( 0, 'User', 'option=com_user', 0, 0, '', '', 'com_user', 0, '', 1, '', 1 )
Install component 'root' menu error query [REPLACE INTO #__components VALUES( 0, 'User Manager', '', 0, 0, '', 'Users', 'com_users', 0, '', 1, 'allowUserRegistration=1\nnew_usertype=Registered\nuseractivation=1\nfrontend_userparams=1\n\n', 1 )]. DB Error: INSERT,DELETE command denied to user 'nlstart_nlstart'@'localhost' for table 'comcomponents' SQL=REPLACE INTO lienden.comcomponents VALUES( 0, 'User Manager', '', 0, 0, '', 'Users', 'com_users', 0, '', 1, 'allowUserRegistration=1\nnew_usertype=Registered\nuseractivation=1\nfrontend_userparams=1\n\n', 1 )
Install component 'root' menu error query [REPLACE INTO #__components VALUES( 0, 'Web Links', 'option=com_weblinks', 0, 0, '', 'Manage Weblinks', 'com_weblinks', 0, 'js/ThemeOffice/component.png', 0, 'show_comp_description=1\ncomp_description=\nshow_link_hits=1\nshow_link_description=1\nshow_other_cats=1\nshow_headings=1\nshow_page_title=1\nlink_target=0\nlink_icons=\n\n', 1 )]. DB Error: INSERT,DELETE command denied to user 'nlstart_nlstart'@'localhost' for table 'comcomponents' SQL=REPLACE INTO lienden.comcomponents VALUES( 0, 'Web Links', 'option=com_weblinks', 0, 0, '', 'Manage Weblinks', 'com_weblinks', 0, 'js/ThemeOffice/component.png', 0, 'show_comp_description=1\ncomp_description=\nshow_link_hits=1\nshow_link_description=1\nshow_other_cats=1\nshow_headings=1\nshow_page_title=1\nlink_target=0\nlink_icons=\n\n', 1 )
Install component 'root' menu error query [REPLACE INTO #__components VALUES( 0, 'Wrapper', 'option=com_wrapper', 0, 0, '', 'Wrapper', 'com_wrapper', 0, '', 1, '', 1 )]. DB Error: INSERT,DELETE command denied to user 'SITE_USER'@'localhost' for table 'comcomponents' SQL=REPLACE INTO lienden.comcomponents VALUES( 0, 'Wrapper', 'option=com_wrapper', 0, 0, '', 'Wrapper', 'com_wrapper', 0, '', 1, '', 1 )

Your reply is greatly appreciated

Junior Boarder
Posts: 30
User Offline Click here to see the profile of this user
Last Edit: 2010/10/04 06:48 By ryscript.
The administrator has disabled public write access.
Re: Error Creating Slave Site 14 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 54
As you can read in the error message, the error is "command denied to user "
That mean that the MySQL user is not allowed to perform the operation.

Check the MySQL user privileges.
Posts: 5370
User Offline Click here to see the profile of this user
The administrator has disabled public write access.
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