Any help would be appreciated with this. I have been running Joomla 1.5.20 for a while now, and have a request for multiple sites to be configured that operate under the same server. I have downloaded the Multi Site and installed it. However, when I originally created the first (Master) site, all the DB was created using default jos_ format for the tables.
So my question is this:
1) I have purchased 2 new domains, how should i configure each domain in Site Manager?
a) I don't need to share users (actually I am preferring to manage users separately)
b) Currently symbolic linking is disabled (from what I read that shouldn't matter unless sharing DB/Ext/Mod/Plugins)
Any insights would be appreciated.
FYI, just checked and:
Unix Symbolic Links: Allowed
MySQL Version: 5.0.83-log Sharing supported
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