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TOPIC: How to create a slave site
How to create a slave site 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 0
Hi, I just bought the jms component for creating multisites with joomla.
I installed the master site, the component and registered it successluffy.

I also created a new site from my master site but now I am having some problems to finish creating it. I sended my subdomain for the slave site to the mulsites/slave root but now when I access my subdomain to make the new installation I only get a white page. I checked my ftp of the master and the installation and multisites directories are there, but the multisited/slave directory actually has a empty html index, so I find it normal to appear in browser, my question would be how do I get to finish the installation correctly for my first slave site?

Thank you very much.
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Re: How to create a slave site 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 54
When your environement is linux with symbolic link allowed.

If you have sucessfully create a slave site in a subdirectory like presented in the tutorial video, you should see that you have plenty of symbolic link created.

When you create a slave site into a subdomain, you should also have plenty of symbolic links.

An HTML with 0 byte length might be the symptom of a link.
I am supprise you mentioned an html file as the normal joomla entry point is index.php file and not an html.

You must first check that your HTTP Server and the subdomain is correctly configured.
After that you also have to check the permission of your files and folders.
If you are using Plesk or Direct Admin or other HTTP Server admin tool that create specific owner for each subdomain, perhaps you encounter a problem of permission.

If you are using cPanel perhaps you have a "error_log" file in the directory that will give you more info on the white page.
In general a white page is the symptom of a PHP fatal error.
This may be caused by missing files or permissions that does not allow access files or directories.
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Re: How to create a slave site 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 0
Hi Edwin, I have been working on this and the people from my hosting say that the way to map a subdomain to the folder is by changing the subdomain root to flexusnet.com/multisites/Camtasia/ folder and I did it successfully instead of making the symbolic link. Is that ok?

When a create a new site all I get in the multisites/slave is a index.html, a config_multisites.php and a cache folder. I stablished the permissions in the multisites folder to 777 and have correctly configured the ftp info. in my master site. What do you think could be wrong?
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Re: How to create a slave site 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 54
This is correct that you have config_multisites.php and index.html into the /multisites/XXXX directory as this is the place where JMS Multisites save the website definition.

When you deploy a slave site into a specific directory, this also create plenty of symbolic links when alllowed.
When the deploy directory is the /multisites/XXX directory, the index.html is NOT present because the index.php is present.

I suggest that you review our tutorial video that show the expected results.
and perhaps also the concept
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Re: How to create a slave site 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 0
Ok now I figuered to get the symbolic links: allowed on the Settings tab but when I create a new slave site after clicking Save I get all this errors:

* Unable to create the symbolic link [_private] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/_private].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [_vti_bin] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/_vti_bin].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [_vti_cnf] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/_vti_cnf].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [_vti_log] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/_vti_log].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [_vti_pvt] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/_vti_pvt].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [_vti_txt] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/_vti_txt].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [administrator] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/administrator].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [camtasia] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/camtasia].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [camtasiachile] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/camtasiachile].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [camtasiacolombia] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/camtasiacolombia].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [camtasiaforeducation] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/camtasiaforeducation].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [camtasiatexas] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/camtasiatexas].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [catalystusa] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/catalystusa].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [cgi-bin] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/cgi-bin].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [components] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/components].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [dropmind] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/dropmind].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [ganttprojectsflorida] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/ganttprojectsflorida].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [gotomeetingflorida] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/gotomeetingflorida].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [gotomeetingforeducation] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/gotomeetingforeducation].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [gotomeetingnewyork] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/gotomeetingnewyork].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [images] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/images].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [images2] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/images2].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [imindmap] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/imindmap].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [imindmapmexico] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/imindmapmexico].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [imindmapusa] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/imindmapusa].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [includes] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/includes].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [language] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/language].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [libraries] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/libraries].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [media] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/media].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [mindgenius] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/mindgenius].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [mindjetproducts] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/mindjetproducts].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [mindmanager] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/mindmanager].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [mindmanagercanada] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/mindmanagercanada].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [mindmanagerchicago] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/mindmanagerchicago].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [mindmanagerchile] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/mindmanagerchile].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [mindmanagercolombia] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/mindmanagercolombia].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [mindmanagerexamples] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/mindmanagerexamples].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [mindmanagerflorida] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/mindmanagerflorida].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [mindmanagerforbusiness] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/mindmanagerforbusiness].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [mindmanagerforeducation] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/mindmanagerforeducation].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [mindmanagerforlawyers] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/mindmanagerforlawyers].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [mindmanagerforprojects] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/mindmanagerforprojects].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [mindmanagermexico] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/mindmanagermexico].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [mindmanagernewyork] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/mindmanagernewyork].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [mindmanagerpuertorico] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/mindmanagerpuertorico].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [mindmanagervideos] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/mindmanagervideos].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [mindmapperusa] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/mindmapperusa].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [mindmapping] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/mindmapping].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [mindmaps] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/mindmaps].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [modules] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/modules].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [multisites] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/multisites].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [netviewer] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/netviewer].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [netviewercanada] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/netviewercanada].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [netviewerflorida] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/netviewerflorida].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [netviewermexico] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/netviewermexico].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [netviewerusa] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/netviewerusa].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [newyorkprojects] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/newyorkprojects].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [novamindusa] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/novamindusa].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [plugins] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/plugins].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [projectscalifornia] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/projectscalifornia].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [typingmasterusa] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/typingmasterusa].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [webmeetingsusa] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/webmeetingsusa].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [xmlrpc] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/xmlrpc].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [.ftpquota] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/.ftpquota].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [.htaccess] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/.htaccess].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [_vti_inf.html] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/_vti_inf.html].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [com_multisites_V1.2.35.zip] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/com_multisites_V1.2.35.zip].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [postinfo.html] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/postinfo.html].
* Unable to create the symbolic link [robots.txt] -> [/home/flexusn/public_html/robots.txt].

What could be happening?
Junior Boarder
Posts: 28
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Last Edit: 2010/09/05 19:18 By ricardoos.
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Re: How to create a slave site 14 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 54
This could be a permission error or you are trying to deploy the slave site in a place where you have a physical opy of the website.

So you have to verify if the "deployed directory" does not already have the files and folders.
Also check if you have the permission to create the symbolic link in this deployed directory.
Possible reason of permission problem is:
- Different owner/group
- open_basedir that does not authorize to write in the directory.
- other (I don't know).
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