I officially give up.
I have spent many evenings of my valuable time trying to make this thing work. Hour after hour trying to understand what this guy is saying in this tutorial-vids. Dropping microphone multiple times, volume at 10, an accent that is very difficult to understand.
You should have put more effort in real-life examples. not master.demo.jms2win.com/multisites/slave1a and the like...
And then there is the awfull Tools menu, with screens in which I Absolutely do not understand whether I should Install from master, share from master, propagate to children and / or overwrite. All this having a master, a slave1, a share1a and share1b, where the hack should i put what the heck setting?
It is almost impossible to understand, sorry I quit. Money not well spent.
I am sure that technically this is a masterpiece, but I cannot configure it. I have seen Vid. 16 (sharing users multiple sites something) a dozen times. I now have 4 websites that are absolutely identical. I change the menu on one, all 4 change the same.
I give up. (and no: I am not going to hire someone for 74 Euro an hour