Patches fail - ◦Add 16 lines containing the routin 14 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 0
Sorry to ask such a basic question, but I am very much a newbie here:
I have installed com_multisites_V1.2.22 and all is working well, until I decided to install the com_multisites_V1.2.22 onto another domain (sub domain iin this case).
I am guessing I am getting the error as it was already installed on a different domain.
Anyway it fails to install all the required patches (see below)
administrator/components/com_multisites/install.xml OK
administrator/index.php OK
administrator/includes/defines.php OK
includes/defines.php OK
includes/defines_multisites.php OK
includes/multisites.php OK
installation OK
installation/includes/defines.php OK
installation/installer/helper.php OK
installation/installer/jajax.php OK
xmlrpc/includes/defines.php OK
configuration.php Not OK
•The routing wrapper is not present in this MASTER configuration file.
◦Add 16 lines containing the routing wrapper to the slave site.
administrator/components/com_config/controllers/application.php OK
administrator/components/com_installer/models/templates.php OK
administrator/components/com_modules/models/module.php OK
administrator/components/com_templates/admin.templates.html.php OK
administrator/components/com_templates/controller.php OK
libraries/joomla/application/application.php OK
libraries/joomla/document/html/html.php OK
libraries/joomla/filesystem/folder.php OK
libraries/joomla/session/session.php OK
components/com_content/helpers/route.php OK
plugins/system/remember.php OK
I have tried the uninstall & reinstall route, but the same accurrs, please can someone advise...
Re: Patches fail - ◦Add 16 lines containing the routin 14 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 54
If you are trying the call JMS from a slave site, this is a kind of message that you can have as the slave site configuration file does not contain any wrapper.
JMS should not be installed and used in a slave site.
Theorically, only the master website needs to have the JMS installed.
If you have this error from the master website, then you can also go in the Global Configuration and re-save it. This also write the wrapper (only when you are the master).
Re: Patches fail - ◦Add 16 lines containing the routin 14 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 0
JMS working now for all my slave sites, now how can I get templates (layout) working - see my other post..
Thanks for your help..