I've watched all the tutorials, read through the manual, and searched through many threads in the forum, but I'm still having trouble. I think I am close though.
Here is the configuration I would like:
Master site:
Deployed directory - public_html/master
Slave sites:
Deployed directory - public_html/master/multisites/slave1
Here is what I have done so far:
When I try to go to
www.mydomain.com/master, the master site displays as expecteded, but when I go to
www.mydomain.com/slave1, I get "No configuration file found and no installation code available. Exiting...". When I look at the directories in cPanel File Manager, the installation directory exists in the multisites/slave1 directory, but the configuration.php does not. I have also verified that symbolic links are allowed (I checked the "Settings" in the component). I think that the symbolic links are being added by the component because when I drill down into the multisites directory, I get recursive copies of the multisites contents. All files and directories on the multisites directory are set to 755. I tried changing all to 777, but then I got any "Internal Server Error" when I tried to access the slave site. I put the hello.php and hello.txt files in the master directory, and I can access them directly, but the redirect does not seem to get there (
When the component instructs "please review that domains (<domain>) are mapped to the directory (<directory>)", I assumed that this refered to putting a redirect (via cPanel) in place to "map" the URL to the proper deployed folder. I'm not sure though.
I'm assuming this is a permissions problem, but I have tried changing permissions to 777 with no luck. Can some one please make a suggestion?
Luke D.