Can't patch 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0
I'm installing the component on a fresh joomla site, when i get to patching, i get the "copy fail" problem, so i though it was permissions, i set up the ftp layer but i'm getting "JFTP::store: Bad response" anyway, i can install any component or module, i also get errors when uninstalling the component, what could be the problem?
thanks in advance...
Re:Can't patch 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 54
Copy failed is explained in the troubleshooting of the user manual.
This is generally related to a permission issue.
When you are using the FTP Layer, you must check that you are using an FTP user with enough permission, also check the FTP root directory .
IN general copy failed is due to the fact that you have several owner for the files and folder in your environment.
For example, you can have some files with owner = an FTP user that you have used to install manually joomla and after that you have "apaches" or similar use for the additional extension that you have installed under joomla.
In this case, this give you an environment with several owner.
As JMS needs to modify existing files, it needs to have permissions.
When you have several owner in your environment this leads to permission issue.
You have to check the ownership of the files that are listed in the patches.
Also check the directories, ....