Endless directory recursion 15 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 0
I have created a slave site called "onboard".
When I go into FTP I see /multisites/onboard and all is well. Another instance of Joomla and everything functions as it should.
But then that directory has a multisites folder, which has an onboard folder.'
But then that directory has a multisites folder, which has an onboard folder.
But then that directory has a multisites folder, which has an onboard folder.
But then that directory has a multisites folder, which has an onboard folder.
and on and on.
Is that normal?
Re:Endless directory recursion 15 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 54
YES this is totally normal.
The multisites folders is a symbolic link that refers to the master multisites directory.
When the slave site is defined as a subdirectory of the master websites (like in the tutorial video), this create an infinite loop because the "multisites" subdirectory is in fact a parent (master) "multisites" directory.
This one of the particularity of the symbolic link that allow declare a parent as a child.
So if your child is in fact your parent, they will have "you" as child and of course you also have your parent as child. This produce an infinite loop.
Last Edit: 2009/10/27 21:42 By edwin2win.
Re:Endless directory recursion 14 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: -1
This does not seem correct. It creates an endless directory structure. when I try import my site into eclispe using FTP, it gets caught in an endless loop receiving the directory list.
Is there a way to create slave sites so that this doesnt happen or is it necessary to utilize the symbolic link
Re:Endless directory recursion 14 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 54
This is just symbolic link recursive loop when you create inside a subdirectory a reference to the parent.
As explain above, you just have to deploy slave site in "brother" directory of your master and this will avoid the loop.
If you create a slave site under the master and the you make reference on the master in a subdirectory, this create the NORMAL infinite loop.
This is a "virtual" infinite loop as it is resulting of a Symbolic Link that does not consume disk space and make reference to the parent.
Last Edit: 2010/05/03 19:35 By edwin2win.
Re:Endless directory recursion 14 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 1
You can also exclude directories in the template setup. Then the slave sites do not have the endless directory recursion. Experiment with this.
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