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Unix Symbolic Links: Forbidden (SOLVED)
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TOPIC: Unix Symbolic Links: Forbidden (SOLVED)
Unix Symbolic Links: Forbidden (SOLVED) 15 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 0
Symbolic links work fine on one Joomla install but on another account, I cannot get it to work - symbolic links: forbidden.

I checked that the user and apache are in the same group and all files owned by the user
/tmp and logs are chmod 777
FTP layer on and off but still not work

If you have any idea - please help !
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Last Edit: 2009/10/06 16:26 By Loki.
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Re:Unix Symbolic Links: Forbidden 15 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 54
This is a permission problem.
Follow the procedure as described in the tutorial step 4 to 7.
As explained this is a problem of permission and you have to check the global configuration and the tmp / logs permission.
Have a look in the video CP-04 that show that you have to check the permission of the tmp a logs directory.

If this does not work and you want that we have a look on your website, please order billable support on
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Re:Unix Symbolic Links: Forbidden 15 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 0
I checked tmp and logs paths and they are both chmod to 777 and belong to the same user as joomla. Any other idea on what might prevent jms from creating symlinks ???
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Re:Unix Symbolic Links: Forbidden 15 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 54
NO other idea.
Perhpas somebody else will have an idea to help you.
Perhaps you could contact the adminnistrator of this server to help you (if this is not you).

If you want that we directly have a look on your server, you know that you can order our billable service.
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Last Edit: 2009/10/03 14:22 By edwin2win.
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Re:Unix Symbolic Links: Forbidden 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 0
For those who encounter the same issue, please check your httpd.conf and make sure there are no directives associated with the domain name/account that prevent the creation of symbolic links namely 'UserDir' and 'open_basedir' in my case. Edwin solved this for me so if you cannot do it by yourself, ask the support ($) !
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Last Edit: 2009/10/06 16:30 By Loki.
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Re:Unix Symbolic Links: Forbidden 15 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 0
Because I'm on a shared server, my web host admin says "We can't disable open_basedir on a shared server as it's a security feature." Do you need a dedicated server to host this product?
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