As explained in the tutorial video 16
In your case you have to create a JMS templates
Template ID = share_master
Put a domain name like:
You could write a rule like {site_id}
Select the site: master DB
Deploy directory: could be something that is based on the sub-domain
This could be something like /home/...../public_html/{site_dir}
All depĂȘnds the rule that you will have decided when you create a sub-domain in your hosting administration tool like cPanel.
The deploy directory rule must be consistent with the rule that you will have decided to apply when creating a sub-domain on your hosting server.
As you also want to have specific template folder, you can also define a simiar rule to the deploy folder
Have a look also in the File and Folder tabs (JMS 1.2.7 or higher) give you the possibility to decide how to create this directory (from special rule, copy or unzip).
Once you have defined the rule you can create the sub-domain on your hosting server (cPanel, godaddy, ...)
Ensure that directory is empty.
Once you have the sub-domain and its specific directory created, go in JMS manage site and create the slave site using your template.
Soecify a new DB, user and login.
Perhaps you have to create the DB before you use it.
All depends if the MySQL user has the permission to create the DB dynamically.
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