direct master to slave??!! 15 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 0
My install is as follow
domain/joomla - main joomla MASTER SITE
domain/joomla/xx - slave sites.
when we are done, I will have the host point the Domain to the joomla folder.
now, when this happens the domain/ will show the MASTER DB, we would like it to show the /us/ should we just redirect?? so that the MASTERDB/administrator is still available?! that sounds like a good ide.
or can we just do an alias for the us slave. and add {site_url} to this slave?!
does this make sense, do you understand?
Fresh Boarder
Posts: 16
Re:direct master to slave??!! 15 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 0
Trying to create an alias link for the site, does not save. it says changes made, but when you go back into the site configuration it is not listed.! an alias link should do this? or no?
Fresh Boarder
Posts: 16
Re:direct master to slave??!! 15 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 54
No this is not clear.
If the domain/joomla and domain/joomla/XX must be totally independent, you have to create slave site with their own DB or at least different table prefix.
I assume that you are working on unix and that Symbolic Link is allowed.
So you have to either create a fresh slave site where you specify the
deploy folder = {root}/xx
Also specify create deploy folder when not already exists.
If you want to create a lot of similar website, I suggest to create a special website /joomla/ToReplicate that you will use in a JMS template for its replication.
Start to create this fresh "ToReplicate" website that will give you the opportunity later to propagate the install/sharing/uninstall of extensions.
Once you have the "ToReplicate" slave site, select it in a JMS template where you will define the new DB connection and table prefix.
It is recommended that you start create the JMS template very early and that you review the JMS Template / "folder and files" panel to avoid creating a huge list of directory as symbolic link.
Each time you will edit the JMS template and that you have new files and folder present in your master, the list will be update and could become huge when you create the slave site "XX" directly as child of your master website.
Personally when people wants create a lot of XX slave directly as a sub-direcotry of a main domain, I suggest to put the master website into another directory that is not public.
For example create a domain/master that is beside the domain/joomla to avoid that all the domain/joomla/xx be see each times as part of the master website directory structure.
This can create funny directory structure when you don't take care on how you create the slave site.
The alias field is normally reserved when you propose to create a website from the front-end and is generally filled with a formula based on {site_alias}
Re:direct master to slave??!! 15 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 0
Personally when people wants create a lot of XX slave directly as a sub-direcotry of a main domain, I suggest to put the master website into another directory that is not public.
Is it possible to move the master website into another directory after creation?
Thank you in advance-
Re:direct master to slave??!! 15 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 54
YES you could but if you have already created plenty of slave site with Symbolic Link, you could have a problem as the links will refer directories that will no more exists.
So YES you could move the master directory in another place as Joomla only use the TMP and LOGS paths defined in the Global Configuratoin (that may be have to be adapted in the master website).
The problem would be for all the slave site that may have already created plenty of Symbolic Links.
If you already have plenty of symbolic link created in your slave site, the answer is probaly NO because move the master directory will broke the links present in existing slave sites
In summary, probably NO if you have already created slave site with symbolic links.
Re:direct master to slave??!! 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 0
I have now httpdocs/ for my joomlaInstall (master)
Can I do this?
1. move httpdocs/*.* to httpdocs/master/
2. change config paths
3. create fresh install to httpdocs/
4. create slave1 to httpdocs/slave1
5. create slave1_template
6. create children httpdocs/slave1/child1; httpdocs/slave1/child2
Fresh Boarder
Posts: 17