The user sharing is a very important decision that must be taken when you create the slave site into JMS.
Once a website is created, you can not anymore decide to convert a separated user into a shared user.
The sharing is decided when JMS fill the DB and can not be changed after that.
So if you have existing website that you want to move into JMS and that you would like to convert the separated users into a shared user, this is complex.
The objective will be to first merge all the users between the wesbite to later try create fresh slave site sharing the users.
If you decide to share the user at the creation of the slave site, you have to define in JMS a rule to specify the sharing rule.
The idea to share the user consist in creating a website that will be used for the replication and sharing the users. After that you can decide to create another website derived from this website using a rule that define the user sharing.
Have a look in the user manual chapter 3.3.3