This is a permission problem.
Two possibilities:
1) Either you have no permission to access the files
[/home/theafter/public_html/site/ .....]
2) or you can not create the link into the slave site directory.
Case 1), I suspect that the owner and group of the
[/home/theafter/public_html/site/ .....] is different to
the [/home/theafter/public_html/site/MULTISITES/.......]
Try to use a recursive chmod 777 on all the directories like
[/home/theafter/public_html/site/] to give
the permission to access the files.
Case 2) idem but with the multisites directory and children
The most frequent reason is a problem of owner and group of files that are
Contact the administrator of your unix machine to ask him help you solve the permission issue.
If you want that I have a look on your server, this is possible with billable support.
You can order such support on