So if you have (/var/www/joomla/multisites/slave1) with plenty of links, this probably means that you have deployed the slave site into this directory.
You can check it when you go in manage site and the you put the cursor over the site id or when you edit the slave site.
If this is correct, this mean that the URL that should work is
To check the URL path, I suggest that you use the "hello world" procedure.
In the zip you have 2 files
hello.txt that allow to check the URL path
hello.php that will allow you to check that you have permission to execute script.
Start to put those files into the master and access them with
They should both work.
After that you could put the files into the multisites directory and check that you can execute them again
Perhaps you will have only the hello.txt files that will be accessible.
If this is the case, you should check the permission on the multisites directory and the one of hello.php.
If OK, repeat the operation with the multisites/slave1
So copy again the file in this directory and check
If the txt is OK and not the PHP, check again the permissions.