edwin2win wrote:
[quote]Site prefix is a mnemonic or short value that you can use in the JMS Template rule to compute a Site ID.
See the tutorial video 14 and 13 that show a sample on how to create slave site from the front-end.
I watched the tutorials. I am following the rules, however, there are issues.
1) This does now allow them to create websites that have their own domain names. Only seems to be subdomains.
2) To keep things simple in the backend, and in the database, my folders and database prefixes are the domain name without the www and the .com parts.
I have always created the sites from the backend and in the sites_id field I put this for example:
Then in the domains field I put:
So, as you can see, I don't want a site_id of u62_prefix_. It's not very easy to find what I need and becomes a code looking db prefix, etc.
Also, there is no flexibility for them to create a site for a brand new domain name.
Tutorial 14 does not apply to me since I am letting them create the sites free and am not going to hook it up to VirtueMart.
I tried creating a site from the front-end and once again, it does not come back with a success message and just goes to the homepage. I look in the backend and the site has not been created. I tried just using simple prefix like "testsite" but it did not work.
My template did not have the 'message' module and I added it and the error it gives me is:
You must register the product to create a website from the front-end
I thought I did register it long ago.
I just did another test trying to create a site from the frontend. It gives me the error that I need to register the product still. But also, after trying to create a site, it then tells me that I need to check patches. And it seems it messes up the "configuration.php" file. I have to reapply patches every time I try to create a site from frontend.
Got rid of the error! I searched the forums and found that it was because of it not being registered. I found out how to register it and creation works. Also, since it works there is no more error with the patches.
However, there are still 2 issues I am having after creation:
1) There is no success message displayed after it creates the site.
2) I do not see the new site in my sites list. I do see it in the backend, however, I do NOT see in my sites on the front-end. The username is correct in the backend.