Hi there,
I have bought the jms multisites component and tested it on a local copy with ubuntu and lampp (XAMPP 1.7.3a for linux). I need to have something like a multi login. I shared the joomla and jomsocial users from master to slave1 and slave2. I want to login on slave sites (slave1 and slave2) when I login in on master. I don't want to relogin on each website.
That is the current behaviour when
I login on master:
Logged in on master:
Switch to slave1 (subdir):
Switch to slave2 (subdir):
As you can see on this screenshots I need to relogin on slave sites.
There exist a way to login on all sites even on the slave ones by using the "remember my details" flag. But this is not a useful solution because I won't that my users have to use this flag by default. This is one reason. The second one is that the users have to logout from each site.
Logged in on master:
Switch to slave1 (subdir):
Switch to slave2 (subdir):
The last 4 screens shows that I only login on all sites when using the "remember my details" flag but as I said I need to have another way to login on and logout from all sites simultaneous. Any advice?