First, create a master in a specifc subdomain to be used as a repository or library for all the websites. See tutorial video 0.b slide 21-24 for the architecture.
To see how to create a subdomain in cPanel, see tutorial video CP-04.
See also the tutorial video 0.d that present how to create a demo website and that show the recommended structure.
Once you have the master and as you exect to have a huge number of slave site (7300 slave sites), I suggest that you change a parameter in the multiistes configuration to use a letter tree that improve the performance.
Edit the file /admininstrator/components/com_multisites/multisites.cfg.php and "uncomment" the line MULTISITES_LETTER_TREE
This will change the directory structure used by multisites.
Once you have your master, you can create your "portal" or "www" website that will be the first public slave site that will be your "national radio".
You can get inspired of this "www" slave site using the CP-04 video.
If the www is your primary domain of your cPanel, becarefull that you master is not present in a subdirectory of the primary domain directory.
It is important that you follow the recommendation in the video 0.b) slide 21-24.
When you have your WWW slave site, you could use it that define a rule to create the other 7300 websites. To share the users, get inspired of the video 16.
Check also that you share the "templates" directory. The action in the JMS Template rule must be "special copy".
See tutorial video 0.b) slide 31-34.
If you want that we help you create the 7300 slave sites quickly, this is possible with our billable support.