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TOPIC: Can't install new slave
Can't install new slave 14 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 0
Hi, I'm preparing our new Joomla 1.6 sites. I was trying to create a slave, and I get this error:


JDatabaseMySQL::query: 1146 - Table 'db348665061.slave1_components' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT t.option FROM slave1_components AS t WHERE t.parent = 0

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Call stack
#  Function  Location
1  JAdministrator->dispatch()  /homepages/29/d133797749/htdocs/multisite_master/administrator/index.php:72
2  JComponentHelper::renderComponent()  /homepages/29/d133797749/htdocs/multisite_master/administrator/includes/application.php:152
3  require_once()  /homepages/29/d133797749/htdocs/multisite_master/libraries/joomla/application/component/helper.php:152
4  JController->execute()  /homepages/29/d133797749/htdocs/multisite_master/administrator/components/com_multisites/admin.multisites.php:95
5  MultisitesController->saveSite()  /homepages/29/d133797749/htdocs/multisite_master/libraries/joomla/application/component/controller.php:604
6  MultisitesViewManage->saveSite()  /homepages/29/d133797749/htdocs/multisite_master/administrator/components/com_multisites/controller.php:174
7  MultisitesModelManage->deploySite()  /homepages/29/d133797749/htdocs/multisite_master/administrator/components/com_multisites/views/manage/view.php:472
8  MultisitesModelManage->duplicateDBandConfig()  /homepages/29/d133797749/htdocs/multisite_master/administrator/components/com_multisites/models/manage.php:3436
9  MultisitesDatabase->copyDBSharing()  /homepages/29/d133797749/htdocs/multisite_master/administrator/components/com_multisites/models/manage.php:2107
10  MultisitesDatabase->installNewExtension()  /homepages/29/d133797749/htdocs/multisite_master/administrator/components/com_multisites/classes/multisitesdb.php:1622
11  MultisitesDatabase->installNewComponents()  /homepages/29/d133797749/htdocs/multisite_master/administrator/components/com_multisites/classes/multisitesdb.php:1427
12  JDatabaseMySQL->loadResultArray()  /homepages/29/d133797749/htdocs/multisite_master/administrator/components/com_multisites/classes/multisitesdb.php:1118
13  JDatabaseMySQL->query()  /homepages/29/d133797749/htdocs/multisite_master/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysql.php:343
14  JError::raiseError()  /homepages/29/d133797749/htdocs/multisite_master/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysql.php:208
15  JError::raise()  /homepages/29/d133797749/htdocs/multisite_master/libraries/joomla/error/error.php:179

Somehow it seems, that multisite still thinks that Joomla 1.5 is running because it uses the #__components table. I installed the JMS 1.2.43 and I'm using J16 Beta 14.

So, when I try to access the slave page, I only get a white page, because the install did not work.

Any chance, somebody knows why this happens?

Best wishes,
Fresh Boarder
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Re: Can't install new slave 14 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 54
Can you give the detailled scenario that you are using to reproduce this error message.

We tried create a fresh slave site and it does not produce this error message.
We also tried create a JMS template that replicate the fresh slave site just created and it is also OK.

We know that some parts are still not compatible with Joomla 1.6. In particular the JMS Tools and "install/uninstall/Sharing" actions but this does not seems this case that you are describing.

Do you have installed a new extensiion in the master and do you have the "refresh" icon displayed.

In the meantime, I will try reproduce the error that you describe to fix it.
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Last Edit: 2010/12/01 09:53 By edwin2win.
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Re: Can't install new slave 14 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 0

yes there are two 1.6 native extensions we have installed in the master, which we wrote in the last two months.

If it helps, we could meet via skype. Maybe its easier for you to identify the error, when you can see my screen?

Best wishes.
Fresh Boarder
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Re: Can't install new slave 14 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 0
I don't have a "refresh" icon displayed. But actually, I do not know where to look for one...
Fresh Boarder
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Re: Can't install new slave 14 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 54
Your traces already help us to see the peace of code that has a problem.
Our problem is to find the scenario that call this peace of code that will help us debug on our PC the problem and fix it.
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Re: Can't install new slave 14 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 54
I have release a JMS Multisites version 1.2.44 that should fix the problem identified with Joomla 1.6.
Now it is possible to use the JMS Tool menu to install, share and uninstall extension under Joomla 1.6.
As the peace of code that was identified is the same as the JMS Tool, we think this should fix the issue reported.
See change history

To get the latest version see the procedure described in the FAQ
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