1st Slave Site - Newbie Questions 14 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 0
I successfully created a slave site but was expecting that when I ran the slave site for the first time that it would be an exact duplicate of my master site. I am a little confused as to what steps to take next, can someone point me in the right direction.
1. Do I need to re-install all of my components, Extensions and plugins into the slave site using the tools option?
2. I have multi-sites, MS article sharing and MS menu Item installed in my master site? Do I need to also install these on my slave site "Under Tools"?
3. I want to re-use the template on the master site for all slave sites with all with the same settings, how would this be accomplished?
Thanks in advance for helping me get started.
Re: 1st Slave Site - Newbie Questions 14 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 54
To see how to replicate the master website, we show a sample in the tutorial video 0.d that present how to create a "demo overview".
1) When you "fresh slave" site that does not contain anything then YES, you can use the JMS tools to install the extension into a slave site.
You can also go in the back-end of the slave site and re-install the extension.
2) JMS Multisites should only be installed on the master website.
For the "Article Sharing for JMS" and "Multisites Menu Item", you have to install them iin each website where you want to be able display the shared articles from another website.
3) To share the same joomla templates directory in all the website, create a JMS Templates rule where you put "special copy" action for the templates directory.
See the tutorial video 0.b slide 31-34 that might help you in the different configuration of the templates directory. You have "full copy", "full sharing" and "partial sharing" configuration.
You can also get inspired from the tutorial video CP-05 that show how to have a specific directory. So you can do the reverse.