Hi: I am building a specific structure with Multisites but I am experiencing some problems with subdomains and documentroot...
I need this...
for example...
In order to achieve this I´ve configured the server to create a new subdomain once each site is created, so I have...
site_prefix.addon-domain.com = points to… /public_html/multisites/{site_prefix}
(that is the document root)
Deploy Dir = /home/account/public_html/multisites/{site_prefix}
But there is a problem with the templates, because when I am on a slave site (for example...
www.xxx.my-domain.com) the document root of the site is... public_html/multisites/xxx but in order to detect the Multisites_ID, the document root mus be the same of the master, which is installed on public_html, but this is impossible because I need individual images folder for each slave, so if document root of slave = master, they should have to share images, and could not be independent site.
Regarding template structure, I have this...
and in sharing = special copy
When I go to the slave´s template folder, it has simbolic links to the mailn template templates folder, and there the correc... params_site_id.ini files are created and correctly modified, but not read from the slave frontend with the unique document root.
To clarify this more, note that when I am on administrator of the slave editing a template, it reads and modify the params.ini file, but not on the front end of the slave site, the render function on html.php can not get the MULTISITES_ID because it thinks we are on master, due to the different document root on the domain.
What suggestion could you give us to solve this? Thanks...