I very much like the look of JMS and it's capabilities!
I am a bit overwhelmed by all of the info, and would like the following clarified: Is it possible to create a master site with
1) a number of modules and components installed with a base/common configuration (ie: AceSEF, xMap, placement of Banner Modules in specific locations, etc)
2) create a slave site so that it copies the base configuration of the above modules and components, and then I can go in and only modify each Site so that the banner contents are unique? (ie: configure different banner/content in each module position based on each subdomain/domain)
This is what I would like to use JMS for (for my first project)!
Do you have any recommendations on how to use Akeeba Backup with JMS? If I use Akeeba to 'clone' one of the slave websites with the intention of installing it as a seperate standalone site on it's own server, will this work?