I have the following directory tree structure:
The masterwebsite contains JMS mulitsites. The slavewebsites use the symbolic link to the masterwebsite and have their own database (the do not share databases).
I have the following code inserted into the index.php of slavewebsite 2 and slavewebsite 3. The purpose of the code is to make the logo in the header a link to the home page of the website. It does this with a transparent image placed over the top of the logo in the header.
<div id="clickhome" style="position:absolute; top:25px; left:50px; width:185px; height:75px;">
<a href="<?php echo $baseUrl; ?>"><img height="75px" width="185px" src="/images/stories/clickhome.gif" style="border-width: 0px; border-style: none;" /></a></div>
I decided to to change the link so that when the header is clicked on the visitor is redirected to slavewebsite 1. (instead of the baseURL website they are in which is slavewebsite 2 or 3). i did this by inserting "
www.slavewebsite1.com" after the <a href=.
Here is the problem. When i made the change i now get a white screen with "Restricted access". The Joomla backend (administrative) site works, but the frontend gets the error. I put the original index.php file back, but i am still getting the error. i am using cPanel.
Any ideas on how to fix this. I want to be able to direct visitors to slavewebsite1 when they click the logo in slavewebsite2 and slavewebsite3.