Upgrading a web-site with new extensions 14 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 0
Dear JMS Team
As I understood so far a master page needs to install all extensions (as a repository) that are used by the generated slaves. Then each slave can install it's own version of an extension as long as the version numbers are the same.
I am wondering if the following is possible since it's an important scenario to me (and I think also for others). I tried to find this in the tutorials and the forum, but without success. But maybe I have simply missed something.
So here is the simplified scenario:
1) I have a master with the extensions I need for a web-site
2) I'm creating a template / slave to be used for all web-sites, called tmpl here
3) From tmpl I'm creating my first version of a web-site, let's call it wb-v1
4) After a while I decide to create the next version of the web-site, due to newly available extension versions.
5) What I would like to do is to clone wb-vb1 into a new database. Here I would like to build the new version wb-v2 while wb-v1 is still active. For wb-v2 I have to install new (additional) extensions and new versions of the ones I already used in wb-v1 (with new version numbers). When I finalized wb-v2 I will switch over to it as the new life version.
6) There still may be other sites that still require the extension set of wb-v1.
7) In the future I may want to upgrade wb-v2 in the same way with new extensions
So to summarize, the question is if I can generate new slaves (via cloning) with different extension sets and extensions versions. Or do I need to generate a new master here?
Thanks (also for a great component)!
Re: Upgrading a web-site with new extensions 14 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 54
In (5), You can copy your wb-v1 into wb-v2 but you will not be able to have 2 different version of a same extension installed on the master website.
If you upgrade the version of an extension, this will be for all the website.
If you want to test an upgrade of an extension, you will have to create a totally independent master website to test the second version of an extension.
I remember you that the PHP code of the extension are present only once on the disk and therefore you can not have an extension with 2 different versions in the same directory on the disk.
If your changes concern your "themes" or things like that, this is not a problem as you can have specific "/templates" directory.
So in summary, if you want to install 2 differents version of a same extension in the master, this is not possible. If you want 2 version of a same extension, you need to create 2 master. One master per version of the extension.