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TOPIC: Test in Joomla 1.6 Beta 4
Test in Joomla 1.6 Beta 4 14 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 0
I'd like to test Multisites V1.2.31 in Joomla 1.6 Beta 4, but it fails on install

Failed loading XML file
XML: failed to load external entity "file:///F:/Websites/Joomla/Joomla16Beta4/administrator/components/com_installer/install.xml"
Failed loading XML file
XML: failed to load external entity "file:///F:/Websites/Joomla/Joomla16Beta4/administrator/components/com_installer/install.xml"
XML: failed to load external entity "file:///F:/Websites/Joomla/Joomla16Beta4/administrator/components/com_multisites/install.xml"
Failed loading XML file
XML: failed to load external entity "file:///F:/Websites/Joomla/Joomla16Beta4/administrator/components/com_installer/install.xml"
XML: failed to load external entity "file:///F:/Websites/Joomla/Joomla16Beta4/administrator/components/com_multisites/install.xml"
XML: failed to load external entity "file:///F:/Websites/Joomla/Joomla16Beta4/administrator/components/com_multisites/install.xml"
Failed loading XML file
XML: failed to load external entity "file:///F:/Websites/Joomla/Joomla16Beta4/administrator/components/com_installer/install.xml"
XML: failed to load external entity "file:///F:/Websites/Joomla/Joomla16Beta4/administrator/components/com_multisites/install.xml"
XML: failed to load external entity "file:///F:/Websites/Joomla/Joomla16Beta4/administrator/components/com_multisites/install.xml"
XML: failed to load external entity "file:///F:/Websites/Joomla/Joomla16Beta4/administrator/components/com_multisites/install.xml"
Component Install: DB function failed with error number 1364
Field 'custom_data' doesn't have a default value SQL=INSERT INTO `jos_extensions` (`name`,`type`,`element`,`folder`,`client_id`,`enabled`,`access`,`protected`,`manifest_cache`,`params`,`checked_out`,`checked_out_time`,`ordering`,`state`) VALUES ('multisites','component','com_multisites','','0','1','0','0','a:11:{s:6:\"legacy\";b:1;s:4:\"name\";s:11:\"Multi Sites\";s:4:\"type\";s:9:\"component\";s:12:\"creationDate\";s:11:\"06-Jun-2010\";s:6:\"author\";s:15:\"Edwin2Win sprlu\";s:9:\"copyright\";s:56:\"Copyright 2008-2010 Edwin2Win sprlu - all right reserved\";s:11:\"authorEmail\";s:16:\"info@jms2win.com\";s:9:\"authorUrl\";s:15:\"www.jms2win.com\";s:7:\"versio...t;;s:1495:\"Jms Multi Sites and User sharing for joomla!.
\nSingle Joomla installation using multiple configurations.
\nWith benefit of multiple configuration files, it is possible to connect on multiple databases or use the same database with different table prefix.
\nWhen you decide to use the same database for all the websites (master and slave sites), it is strongly recommended to never use ’jos_’ as table prefix.
\nWith older Joomla prior 1.5.3, we have notice that standard Joomla installation process can delete the users present in jos_users table whatever the table prefix selected.
\nIf you decide to use as many databases than there are websites, ’jos_’ table prefix is allowed.
\n\nEnsure also that you have enought rights to create and update joomla files. This is required to install the patches in the standard joomla files.
\nWith JMS 1.1x it is now possible to create slave site from a \\\"template website\\\". This feature is particular usefull if you can to propose a \\\"front-end\\\" dynamic slave site creation.
\nWith this version, it is also possible to propose a \\\"billable\\\" front-end website creation and create a bridge with your eShop system (ie. VirtueMart).
\nWith JMS 1.2.x, it is now possible to replicate website into another DB, share the user and a limited number of extension.
\nStarting with JMS 1.2.4, a partial compatibility with Joomla! 1.6 is already present. (Require more test to gauantee a full compatibility)\n\";s:5:\"group\";s:0:\"\";}','{}','0','0000-00-00 00:00:00','0','0')
INSERT INTO `#__extensions` (`name`,`type`,`element`,`folder`,`client_id`,`enabled`,`access`,`protected`,`manifest_cache`,`params`,`checked_out`,`checked_out_time`,`ordering`,`state`) VALUES ('multisites','component','com_multisites','','0','1','0','0','a:11:{s:6:\"legacy\";b:1;s:4:\"name\";s:11:\"Multi Sites\";s:4:\"type\";s:9:\"component\";s:12:\"creationDate\";s:11:\"06-Jun-2010\";s:6:\"author\";s:15:\"Edwin2Win sprlu\";s:9:\"copyright\";s:56:\"Copyright 2008-2010 Edwin2Win sprlu - all right reserved\";s:11:\"authorEmail\";s:16:\"info@jms2win.com\";s:9:\"authorUrl\";s:15:\"www.jms2win.com\";s:7:\"versio...t;;s:1495:\"Jms Multi Sites and User sharing for joomla!.\nSingle Joomla installation using multiple configurations.\nWith benefit of multiple configuration files, it is possible to connect on multiple databases or use the same database with different table prefix.\n\nWhen you decide to use the same database for all the websites (master and slave sites), it is strongly recommended to never use ’jos_’ as table prefix.\nWith older Joomla prior 1.5.3, we have notice that standard Joomla installation process can delete the users present in jos_users table whatever the table prefix selected.\nIf you decide to use as many databases than there are websites, ’jos_’ table prefix is allowed.\n\nEnsure also that you have enought rights to create and update joomla files. This is required to install the patches in the standard joomla files.\n\nWith JMS 1.1x it is now possible to create slave site from a \\\"template website\\\". This feature is particular usefull if you can to propose a \\\"front-end\\\" dynamic slave site creation.\nWith this version, it is also possible to propose a \\\"billable\\\" front-end website creation and create a bridge with your eShop system (ie. VirtueMart).\n\nWith JMS 1.2.x, it is now possible to replicate website into another DB, share the user and a limited number of extension.\nStarting with JMS 1.2.4, a partial compatibility with Joomla! 1.6 is already present. (Require more test to gauantee a full compatibility)\n\";s:5:\"group\";s:0:\"\";}','{}','0','0000-00-00 00:00:00','0','0') Failed deleting uninstall.multisites.php
Failed deleting install.multisites.php
Fresh Boarder
Posts: 3
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Re: Test in Joomla 1.6 Beta 4 14 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 54
If you read the release note, you will see that JMS Multiisites 1.2.32 is partially compatibible with Joomla 1.6.0 beta 3.
Concerning the beta 4, we have idenfitified additional problem that we are currently fixing and that will be released in JMS Multisites 1.2.33.

So if you want to do some test, use the version 1.2.32 and jooma 1.6 beta 3

read also the release note
Posts: 5370
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Last Edit: 2010/07/09 10:26 By edwin2win.
The administrator has disabled public write access.
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