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Errors while importing a sql dump of slave site.
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TOPIC: Errors while importing a sql dump of slave site.
Errors while importing a sql dump of slave site. 14 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 0

i am having some errors when i try to import a sql dump of a slave site into a database via phpmyadmin.

here is the info:

Master site is template.localizit.com - db prefix is jos_
Slave site (example) is lasvegas.localizit.com - db prefix is lvg_

I got the previous errors when trying to restore an earlier version of slave site while using existing version of master site (and that may be my issue).

Besides replicating components, I am sharing tables for JomSocial (user db) jos_users.

I am using Akeeba Backup for backup and restoration of site - is there a better method that will make the migration smooth? What do I need to do to make this painless?

I am willing to pay for your support time if you can handle for us - let me know what it will cost.

errors i get while importing

Query:   CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED VIEW `lasvegas`.`lvg_alpha_userpoints` AS select `template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`id` AS `id`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`userid` AS `userid`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`referreid` AS `referreid ` ,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`upnid` AS `upnid`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`points` AS `points`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`max_points` AS `max_points`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`last_update` AS `last_update`,`template`. `j os_alpha_userpoints`.`referraluser` AS `referraluser`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`referrees` AS `referrees`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`blocked` AS `blocked`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`birthdate` AS `birthdate`,`template`.`jo s_a lpha_userpoints`.`avatar` AS `avatar`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`levelrank` AS `levelrank`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`leveldate` AS `leveldate`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`gender` AS `gender`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoint s`.` aboutme` AS `aboutme`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`website` AS `website`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`phonehome` AS `phonehome`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`phonemobile` AS `phonemobile`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`addre ss` A S `address`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`zipcode` AS `zipcode`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`city` AS `city`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`country` AS `country`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`education` AS `education`,`templ ate`.` jos_alpha_userpoints`.`graduationyear` AS `graduationyear`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`job` AS `job`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`facebook` AS `facebook`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`twitter` AS `twitter`,`template`.`jos_alp ha_user points`.`icq` AS `icq`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`aim` AS `aim`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`yim` AS `yim`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`msn` AS `msn`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`skype` AS `skype`,`template`.`jos_alp ha_userp oints`.`gtalk` AS `gtalk`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`xfire` AS `xfire`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`profileviews` AS `profileviews` from `template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`;

MySQL: Table 'template.jos_alpha_userpoints' doesn't exist

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Last Edit: 2010/06/03 00:22 By chetanmadaan.
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Re: Errors while importing a sql dump of slave site. 14 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 54
As teh message report you, you try to import a link on a DB / table that does not exists.
Before to restore a link, you have to restore the data itself.
If you change the DB name or event the table prefix of the data to reference then you have to perform a manual search/replace to search for the old DB name & table prefix to replace them with the new name.

Here you try to create a link on the DB = "template" and tables jos_alpha_userpoints
If this table does not exist, this is normal that you can not create a link on it.
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