Confused -- Seperate Site, Seperate Databases 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0
I have read the instructions and also viewed the video tutorials.
I have two separate joomla installations on the same server.
They are both in separate sub directories.
I would like to share users and content between these websites but have separate data
bases and functionality.
I would like to share jomsocial mods with the second master website.
Do I have to create a sub domain?
I am obviously missing something. I do not see any specific place to input
the config location or database information for the second or slave website.
When I hit the settings the database information from the second website is not
Last Edit: 2010/05/28 22:44 By savant.
Re: Confused -- Seperate Site, Seperate Databases 14 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 54
Concerning the sharing, there is 2 aspects:
- Login sharing
- Single Sign In
With JMS multisites, you can share the users between several websites and therefore share the login information.
Concerning the Single Sign-In that mean remain logged when you change of website, this only work when you are on the same doamin (you can have subdomain or subdirectories).
So you can share the user but if you want to remain logged, you need to be on the same domain. Otherwise you will have to re-login with the same user and password.
I hope this is more clear.
Re: Confused -- Seperate Site, Seperate Databases 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 0
Is this possible? All sites on same domain
Master has no user DBase
Each slave has its own userDB. Can a SLAVE share userDB with Master?
USER1 belongs to: SLAVE1 SLAVE3
USER2 belongs to: SLAVE1
USER3 belongs to: SLAVE2 SLAVE3
Will USER1 only see SLAVE1 and SLAVE3 without having to log in again? Will he see access denied when he tries to go to SLAVE2?
Fresh Boarder
Posts: 17
Re: Confused -- Seperate Site, Seperate Databases 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 54
The concept of the sharing of an extension and thefore sharing the users is to share the MySQL tables.
When you share the MySQL table, you share ALL the records between the websites.
So it is NOT possible to select for each individual users in which website it must be present.
This is ALL or NONE.