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Restoring a Slave Site Backup
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TOPIC: Restoring a Slave Site Backup
Restoring a Slave Site Backup 14 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 0

we are trying to restore a mysql backup of a children site and had these errors as below


Query:  CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED VIEW `lasvegas`.`lvg_alpha_userpoints` AS select `template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`id` AS `id`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`userid` AS `userid`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`referreid` AS `referreid` ,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`upnid` AS `upnid`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`points` AS `points`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`max_points` AS `max_points`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`last_update` AS `last_update`,`template`.`j os_alpha_userpoints`.`referraluser` AS `referraluser`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`referrees` AS `referrees`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`blocked` AS `blocked`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`birthdate` AS `birthdate`,`template`.`jos_a lpha_userpoints`.`avatar` AS `avatar`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`levelrank` AS `levelrank`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`leveldate` AS `leveldate`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`gender` AS `gender`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.` aboutme` AS `aboutme`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`website` AS `website`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`phonehome` AS `phonehome`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`phonemobile` AS `phonemobile`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`address` A S `address`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`zipcode` AS `zipcode`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`city` AS `city`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`country` AS `country`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`education` AS `education`,`template`.` jos_alpha_userpoints`.`graduationyear` AS `graduationyear`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`job` AS `job`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`facebook` AS `facebook`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`twitter` AS `twitter`,`template`.`jos_alpha_user points`.`icq` AS `icq`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`aim` AS `aim`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`yim` AS `yim`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`msn` AS `msn`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`skype` AS `skype`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userp oints`.`gtalk` AS `gtalk`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`xfire` AS `xfire`,`template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`.`profileviews` AS `profileviews` from `template`.`jos_alpha_userpoints`;

MySQL: Table 'template.jos_alpha_userpoints' doesn't exist

lvg_ is the prefix for the children site
jos_ is the prefix of the main site

template is the name of the database of the main site.
lasvegas is the name of the database of the children site.

i am asuming this is happening because we have that table shared???
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Last Edit: 2010/05/26 03:39 By chetanmadaan.
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Re: Restoring a Slave Site Backup 14 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 54

When you share an extension, this really share the MySQL table by a link between the table.
Restore the link without the physical data will not work.

You have just demonstrated that the data are stored only once and that you need to restore the tables where they are physically stored.
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Re: Restoring a Slave Site Backup 14 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 0
so, you are saying that fist i should restore all the tables of DB (template and prefix jos_) and then try importing this one.

but the matter of fact the tables for DB: template with prefix jos_ are already there.

i really want to know how can i restore just those tables... because we have a lot of content in the children site then in the master site. we are just using the master site for replicating purposes.

Let me know?

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Re: Restoring a Slave Site Backup 14 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 54
You must keep a consistent environment.
So if your slave is linked to table present in the master, you have to restore the master before the slave in aim to have their table present before creating a link on them.
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Re: Restoring a Slave Site Backup 14 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 0
does that mean restoring it in the same DB.

like i said earlier i have all the database there with correct details.
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Re: Restoring a Slave Site Backup 14 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 54
If you have the error message because a table does not exist then that mean that you have NOT restored as they was.

When you creating link accross DB, you have also to restore with the same DB name or change all you SQL file to search/replace the old DB name with new DB name.

Just try to execute a single query in PHPMyAdmin to localize the table prefix name or DB name or both that is in error.

In the error message that you provide, it search for the "template" DB and table "jos_...."
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Last Edit: 2010/05/27 21:22 By edwin2win.
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