Website Quota ? 14 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 0
May I know what is the website quota?
How much to pay?
Re: Website Quota ? 14 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 54
Website quota is a fee that is requested when you want to sale the websites creation from the front-end or when you want to execute additional script for the website creation from the front-end.
It is required when you enable the "Billable Website" radio button when you create a menu item for the website creation.
Otherwise, it is not required.
The price depends on the current websites quota.
The quota are sold by package.
To give you an idea of the cost for a slave site, this start at 1.5 EUR and go down to 0.3 EUR for all websites over 1,000.
Re:Website Quota ? 14 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 0
Thank you for your explanation.
What is the number of "billable" slave sites for 1.5 EUR?
May I know some of the lower tier pricing please and the number of allowed slave sites?
Last Edit: 2010/04/15 01:55 By mamasboy.
Re: Website Quota ? 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 1
Is there somewhere on your website that explains this for people prior to purchase?
I do not want to come off as if it is not worth the price, but coming from another professional online, a little clarity on the front end would be appreciated.
I could not find ANYTHING on the quota prices and requirements until i went to settings in my component and was brought to a purchase page.
Re:Website Quota ? 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 0
I'm also looking at using multi-sites to create billable sites, but am very concerned about what Website Quota prices are and how they are ordered. Can you give any more information about Website Quota prices?
You say 1.5 Euro to 0.3 Euro, but that doesn't really tell us anything.
What are the packages and prices?
Can we start with a low number of sites and add to the quota as the number of sites increases?
If it is 1.5 Euro per billed site, but you only allow us to purchase quota packages of 1000 then that could be really expensive. Even a quota of 100 at 1.5 Euro means an additional output of 150 Euros (even more in US dollars), which could really impact a start up.
I'm not questioning why you are charging quotas, but I wonder how you track the use of quotas?
Is there a link back to our master?
What if your server goes down or messes up, will it impact our business?
How can we add to our quotas?
Thank you,
Re:Website Quota ? 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 54
If you have installed and registered JMS Multisites, go in the settings menu and you will have a button to "buy quota". This will display you the list of price depending on your current quota.
The most quota you already have purchase the less expensive the price it is.
If our server is down for a short time, your customer will be able to create the slave site but will have to wait that the status of their order is confirmed. You could always force the status manually in the back-end of your master.