Which platform are you using ? (I suppose Unix with Symbolic Link allowed)
Do you have such problem only with one slave site or when you try create any slave site ?
Do you have such problem when you follow the tutorial video 9 or CP-04 ?
Which version of Joomla are you using ? (1.5.15 ?)
If Joomla 1.5.15 then this is probably due to an object that Joomla want to report in error and for which it contains "recusive" reference inside the object.
In this case, the Joomla exception processing may failed due to this recursive object reference that make PHP loop when trying report the error.
The only method that I know to identify the reason consists in modifying the Joomla statement 117 to replace the statement with debug_backtrace by debug_print_backtrace to report the error upon screen.
If you want that we debug the reason in your environment, you can also order our billable support at